Thursday, December 31, 2009


2:00 AM and Annie was fussy while sleeping in her cradle. We picked her up and held her over the 'potty' thinking maybe she had to pee. After using the cue word...she peed! And managed to still stay asleep throughout it all. When we all got up at 10 this morning Joe held her over the potty but nothing came. She nursed and then we tried again and she peed after concentrating for a while. I often wonder how long you're supposed to hold them over the receptacle. Yes, we could hold her over the potty all day long and be very successful with EC. But that's not the point. So how long is too long?
Annie slept all day today. Had a little wet diaper upon waking up from her 5 hour nap (can you blame her). Then off to Nana and Grandpa's for New Year's Eve Festivities. LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!! We're glad to provide entertainment to the family while toileting Annie. Yes, she peed 5 times in the 'potty' and we are so proud! No poops yet today which means the New Year will bring lots of surprises and fun to share!!! :) The Aunts and Uncles enjoyed laughing with us as we beamed about our brilliant daughter who can pee in the potty...time will tell if the brilliance continues. Stay Tuned...

Today I learned: Put in the time now or later to toilet train.
Diapers saved today = 9
Money saved today = $1.80
Money saved to date = $3.40

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


This morning Annie and I got up, and started elimination communication (EC). Annie spit up all over herself so a bath was in order. During the bath she peed. PERFECT time to introduce the cue word for pee: "peepee." (We're so creative!) I bet you'll never guess the cue word for poop ;) Then the day really began. I realized that Annie's communication was a little whining followed by some staring and then grunts. Once I saw this I took her to the was receptacle (cool whip container) and used the cue word. We keep our receptacle in the bathroom to help her associate pee/poop with the bathroom***
*** Be sure to move your husband's hairbrush and razor first, like men, infants don't have great aim and tend to miss the waste receptacle, nothing like a good pee shave and sweet scent of urine in your hair! :) ***

She peed in the container 5 times today. And guess what?! I haven't changed a poopy diaper ALL day! 4 poops in the 'potty' and she is a HAPPY GIRL!

We've almost been doing EC for 12 hours and it already seems to be working. Tonight I showed Joe how to read Annie's signals. To his amazement I wasn't joking. Annie was eating and 'popped off' to grunt and whine... off to the potty and she peed/pooped. Then again eating and grunt grunt and she peed in the 'potty' upon the cue word.
One thing I learned today, she's been communicating with us since birth. We just had to learn what it meant! Of course we haven't caught all the pees today, but a few is better than none. The diapers we've saved already is worth it.
My guess is she'll communicate differently with Joe than with me...we will find out over the next few days.

Time and patience are the key ingredients to successful EC. Hopefully it will save us a lot of struggle when she's two and fully independent in toileting. With anything, practice makes perfect. On we go to day TWO...this time at a family outing(New Years Eve) We are prepared for the snickering and laughs as our family joins in the amusement of potty training an 11 week old baby!

Today I learned: Annie is smarter than we thought (and we thought she was pretty smart)
Diapers saved today = 8
Money saved today = $1.60 (estimate)
Money saved to date = $1.60

Toileting Annie Begins

Today we begin the task of toileting Annie (our 11 week old daughter). You might be saying "you're crazy" or "yeah right." Maybe you're just chuckling to yourself in pure amusement, because that's what I would do. Stay with us because we all might learn something in the months/years to come.

We heard about Natural Infant Hygiene (or Elimination Communication) a few years ago while reading an article in our newspaper. I thought it would be amazing to try because the goal is that your baby is potty trained and diaper free by 2 years of age. Yes, that's when most people start this process. After figuring out what the proper name was and finally finding a few books on the process, Joe and I decided to give it a go. What's the worst that could happen? Stay tuned to find out!