Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 33

Life is a roller coaster... some days you're on top of the world and others you are holding on for dear life. It's interesting how a normal Sunday afternoon can become enthralled with EC techniques. Today we were trying our best to stay on top of Annie's signals, yet all three of us were tired and not doing great communicating. Of course we all try our best to get our basic needs met. I'm tired or I'm hungry were the most common 'sayings' of the day. There does come a time when our basic need for food and sleep tends to outweigh our need to hold our three month old over the toilet.
Interestingly enough, this time is minimal and very few days are spent attending solely to her need of food. We do our best to catch as many elimination moments as possible. However, when she's crying and fussy it's difficult to hold her screaming little body over the toilet and expect her to pee (or poop for that matter). Days like today end with a promise of tomorrow and the chance to try again!
Perhaps I should re-write a classic favorite... "The pee will come out tomorrow, tomorrow..."

Today I learned: You can't force a baby to pee or poop anymore than you can force her to eat!
Diapers saved today = 4
Money saved today = $0.80
Money saved to date = $48.60

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 32

We have officially stayed faithful to EC for ONE WHOLE MONTH! You may be thinking that's not a lot of time, but please keep in mind the HOURS and HOURS we have put into potty training our daughter (and she still wears diapers).
Now that we've reached the one month stage, and are into our second month, I can't help but wonder if the 'conventional' way of toilet training would be easier and less time consuming. This may turn out to be true and my way of thinking "put the time in now or later" may be WAY off track... I still think we are doing the right thing. (for us)
Taking her to the bathroom every 20-30 minutes may not be ideal for most people, for us there is no other option at this point. I have come to LOVE my potty time with Annie. Although you may not understand... it's kinda like getting up with a crying baby in the middle of the night. You may hate it at the time because you're tired and want to sleep, but once that baby smiles at you and snuggles up in your arms to fall fast asleep you can't help wanting to hold her all night long. Yes, potty training is just like that. I groan at times (no, I'm not perfect... sorry Joe) but then I take her to the bathroom and she pees or poops and I think... WOW this is worth it! She is AMAZING and this is SO gratifying!
With all that said, as I look back over the past month: I can't believe we are crazy enough to think EC would work, dedicated enough to stay with it, and happy to reap the beneficial outcomes! This past month has been full of learning experiences. We are learning a lot about our daughter, yet some days I learn more about myself as a mom. I can't wait to see what month 2 has in store for us... stay tuned!

Today I learned: EC is AMAZING!!!
Diapers saved today = 6
Money saved today = $1.20
Money saved to date = $47.80

Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 31

"So today I had diarrhea, yeah like you wanted to know, but my mom would tell you anyway. She really likes to talk about my bowel habits...and she thinks people actually read this stuff! CRAZY! Anyway, like I was saying today I had diarrhea (same as yesterday) and it's really hard for me to go #2. I push and push and push some more, but it just won't come because it's pure water. Then I get very frustrated... you would too. My mom held me over the big girl toilet when I gave my signal that is was time to use the bathroom, well I didn't cooperate. Not because I'm three months old and rebelling, but because I just couldn't go. So, I sat there for almost 10 minutes until my mom said 'enough is enough you may just have to go in your diaper.' Of course I don't want to go in my diaper any more than she wants me too. But when you can't poop... well there are few options. So, I continue to give my signals and try SOOO hard but no success. I wish I could read because then I could sit there for hours and never get bored. Yes, our bathroom has LOTS to look at with all those bright colors, animals and under the sea stuff.. but you can only look at it so much. At least with reading a book I could have some change of scenery. Better luck in a few years I suppose.

Back to my elimination communication: Some days my mom is SO in tuned to my signals and others it's like she's deaf. I tell her over and over again that I have to go but she doesn't hear me. Kinda like my dad doesn't always hear her...let's hope this hearing thing isn't hereditary. She keeps telling everyone that I'm going to get a tiny potty so we'll see...hopefully this weekend she does some shopping and buys me a present. (hint hint mommy)

Well, it's been a month and my parents are still holding strong trying to use EC with me. It's amazing they've lasted this month down 11 to go. Hopefully I'll show them that I can do this and the next months will go easier.

For tonight all I can do is try and make it through their attempts at toileting me... maybe then they'll let me sleep in and play uninterrupted tomorrow."

Today I learned: You have to have a bad day every once in a while to truly appreciate the good ones.
Diapers saved today = 4
Money saved today = $.80
Money saved to date = $46.60

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 30

Did you know that a baby is born with the most neurons he/she will ever have in his/her brain again?
Interesting stuff... I was reading an article today that talked about how important it is to listen (and respond) to your baby. This particular article states that listening and responding to your child helps build connections between the neurons of the brain, therefore helps your child succeed and learn how to deal with stress and difficult situations
There were no studies attached to the article... so this got me thinking. Does how you respond to your child's crying play a factor in their development beyond physical? Could it truly help develop their brain and fuel development ? Of course, who is going to volunteer for a study in which you have to ignore your child and see if he/she is less likely to endure a difficult situation... but it sure would be interesting.

My brain kept running scenarios with different babies and the different ways we all respond. The way we talk to our child, the way we hold our child, even the way we pick up our crying child... these all could make our child intelligent and the next Einstein..or the next Sherlock Holmes!

If this article has any truth to it, then why do diaper companies continue to make the next "SUPER" absorbent heavy duty diaper? If we need to be responding to our children's needs immediately so their brains can develop more neuron connections why are we putting them in a diaper and changing them every few hours? I'd like to see a study between 'conventional' diapering and a 'diaper free' baby... does the way I respond to help my daughter pee or poop in the toilet make more connections than you may respond by changing her diaper right away?

Interesting thought... stay tuned... the search for the perfect potty continues tomorrow!

Today I learned: By taking Annie to the bathroom when she signals, I am helping her develop self control! :)
Diapers saved today = 7
Money saved today = $1.40
Money saved to date = $45.80

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 29

Top Ten Reasons We like to Practice Elimination Communication:

10. No more diaper rash
9. Saying pee pee and poo poo is fun
8. We now have a 'cure' for her fussing
7. It makes everyone laugh when they hear we are potty training a baby
6. Going green.. (this one is for you Joe)
5. We save money on diapers
4. The search for the PERFECT potty is thrilling
3. Cool Whip is no longer appetizing
2. We learn new things about Annie daily

And the number one reason to Practice EC:

1. It's a GREAT story (even if it doesn't work)!

Today I learned: Annie's communication to eliminate is getting more distinguished with each passing day
Diapers saved today = 5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $44.40

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 28

Ulterior Motives... Annie had plenty of those today. She is getting EC down to a science now and is improving everyday. It is truly amazing to see her develop and use her communication on a daily basis to tell me her needs. HOWEVER... today she played the game. She would whine to use the bathroom... and most times she'd succeed. Once this pattern was established early in the day, she then began whining or fussing later on to use the bathroom (or so I thought). I would take her, hold her over the potty and she would giggle.. yup a full out giggle. She would then look up at me and keep giggling... like haha mom gotcha! It was funny the first time. By the 4th time that she did this is was no longer funny. She is already working the system at 3 months of age! CRAZY!
Annie knows that I'll take her to the bathroom each time she whines or fusses. She knows all too well that I listen to her now, and for that she is beginning to trick me. I thought only older kids played these games...I guess I was wrong.
With that said... Annie has this down... she just needs to learn how to focus her energy. If you have any idea of how to help a 3 month old girl focus please let me know...

It's really getting interesting now... stay tuned

Today I learned: Ulterior Motives begin at 3 months... WHAT?!
Diapers saved today = 7
Money saved today = $1.40
Money saved to date = $43.40

Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 27

Someone once said "There is no such thing as bad weather... just bad clothing." This statement is VERY TRUE, however, when you are practicing EC there is bad weather and bad clothing. Especially living in the Midwest! Annie needs to be dressed warm, as do all babies and children, during the winter months. When it comes to EC her warm clothing is VERY difficult to get on/off. Each day when she gets ready in the morning I pick out something that will be nice and warm for her. By the third or fourth time taking her pants on and off or buttoning and unbuttoning her outfit I give up. I leave her pants off of her or leave her sleeper unbuttoned. COLD... I know, but how else can we effectively get to the toilet in time?
When Annie signals her need to go there is no time to waste... she needs to go NOW. Sometimes by the time we un-snap her onsie or even pull down her pants the window has passed and it is too late. I always applaud myself for hearing her signal, but then again am bummed at myself because of her layers and the time I took getting everything off.
We've tried gowns for an afternoon at home. They work GREAT! But not very practical when you're living in a place where the average temperature is 20 degrees. BRRRRRRR So that leaves us very few options. I will continue to try different items of clothing. For now Annie will remain half naked while at home! I guess we could say "When bad weather hits the Midwest... so does the bad clothing."

Today I learned: Clothing inhibits our daily activities.
Diapers saved today = 5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $42.00

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 26

Toileting Annie is much like watching the NFC Championship game and cheering for the Minnesota Vikings. She has a great couple of days, even weeks, and we think she's really going to make it BIG! We are all pumped up for her and her talent with EC. Then all of a sudden, a fumble. To our amazement she recovers nicely only to have another fumble...a wet diaper. Again, she recovers and we really think she has it this time. Another fumble occurs and we start to listen more intently to her signals. Just when she is getting back in the swing of things, recovering from her wet diapers, we think Annie has got this potty training down for sure. We even start bragging that she is going to be fully potty trained before we know it. THEN... when all is going her way, she throws an interception and has a poopy diaper. GAME OVER!!!!

The only difference between Annie and the NFC game for the Vikings.... Annie will get another chance tomorrow. Better luck next year Vikings!

Today I learned: For Annie there is always tomorrow... the Vikings aren't so fortunate!
Diapers saved today = 6
Money saved today = $1.20
Money saved to date = $43.00

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 25

A day in the life of Annie:

" This morning I woke up around 5am to eat. Of course I went to the bathroom first and did my thing... that's a lot of work for a little girl to do so EARLY and my mom didn't even get up to celebrate. After breakfast I went back to sleep, even let my dad sleep in a little today. I'm sure he could have used some more sleep though. Typical Saturday at our mom and dad aren't quite as tuned into my signals to pee or poop as they are during the week. Maybe it's just the slow nature of the weekend... or maybe they need a break every once in a while. I sure hope they don't take too many breaks because my bottom gets real sore when I sit in a wet diaper for any length of time.

Well, I spent the day giving my dad a hard time. I guess I just wanted to see if he could handle mommy's job for a day. He passed...not without a minor struggle though. I cried for an hour or more and he walked in circles the WHOLE time. What a guy!!!! As soon as mommy got home from work I was all smiles. It was really funny to hear daddy talk about me and what a stinker I am... just wait till I'm 13. hehe
I did pretty good at communicating today and my dad (and mom) did GREAT at listening to me! Although when I go my mom still acts surprised... it's like she doesn't think this EC thing is going to work. Wasn't this her idea in the first place?! hmmmm Seriously though she always asks daddy 'did she go' and daddy says yes and she says 'really?' CRAZY!
Here's the update on the two things I've been asking for:
1. the potty is still under research. My mom needs to call IKEA to make sure they have the 'cheap' ones in stock and then take me there to check it out. I'm so sick of being held over the cool whip container or sink (yes, they've held me over the sick... ew) but I'm getting used to the BIG toilet. I keep trying to tell them it'll be so much better once I get my own potty... but my mom seems to have her own agenda with it all. She says by the end of the month... well that's only 8 more days so she better get goin!
2. My own pair of undies. I haven't been diaper free very often, but the day will come when my mom and dad are extremely brave and let me cut loose. For that day I better have some nice tiny underwear so I can feel secure without the HUGE bulk in between my legs. I think they should walk around for a day with a diaper on and see how they like it. Maybe then they'd be more on top of buying me my own underwear. Hopefully that will be February's task.

Well, that's about it for today. I think I should try and get some sleep so my dad can rest.... he needs it after a day like today!

Stay tuned... my mom promised me it's gonna be a great week of toileting Annie!"

Today I learned: Daddy can play Mr. Mom and survive!!!
Diapers saved today = 9
Money saved today = $1.80
Money saved to date = $41.80

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 24

What is your baby's poop saying to you? Most of us know that the darker pee the more fluids our baby needs. But what we don't know could tell us a lot of information about our little one. Well here is some information that may help you listen better to your child's poop:

Consistency: Tarry, soft, hard, liquid, chunky, smooth... all of these adjectives could describe your child's poop. Depending on the age and the diet of your little one you could see all of these. Usually tarry stools result of the first bowel movement outside the uterus. This is called meconium and can be very sticky and hard to clean off. Usually infants have soft poop while they are breastfed or on formula. Once they begin eating solids... the story changes a little. Then the poop becomes more firm. I'm sure that's SO fun to clean up too. (another reason to use EC)

Color: Black, Brown, Green, Yellow, Tan, Red, Pink... sounds like colors of the rainbow right? They are also all colors of baby's poop! Black is the color of their first meconium filled stool, it also could be a sign of bleeding in infants and older baby's stools. Yellow... well most often than not baby poop is yellow or brownish yellow. Until they start eating solid foods, then their poop becomes brown. Tan is the in between... formula fed babies usually have tan poop. Red could be a sign of blood in their digestive tract or a tear in the colon. Then there is pink... the current mystery of Annie's poop! We're thinking this one is from her antibiotics. BUT time will tell if we are correct on this assumption once she's all done taking them. (I'll keep you all posted)

Poop can tell you a LOT of information... who knew poop had so much to say?! Cool huh? It can tell you if your baby has an infection, is eating too much fore milk as opposed to hind milk, or even has an allergy to something his/her mom has eaten. It's amazing how much information one small poop (or large blowout) can tell you. Even if you have to put on a face mask to change a poopy diaper, pay attention to its color and consistency. Please ALWAYS call your physician or nurse practitioner if you have any questions regarding your baby's poop.

The moral of the story...we'll continue to practice EC and pay attention to Annie's poops...the difference is we get to flush them and skip the face mask/nose plugs!

Today I learned: Poop can talk!!!
Diapers saved today = 8
Money saved today = $1.60
Money saved to date = $40.00

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 23

If you google 'potty training' you'll come up with 2,960,000 results. AMAZING right?! Narrow that search down to 'potty training children' you'll get 1,700,000 results... still a large number of websites claiming to know the BEST way for YOUR child!

The 10 top phrases to interest you =
10. Signals your child is ready to be potty trained...
9. Signs to watch for to begin potty training your toddler...
8. Start with our checklist to determine if the time is right...
7. Potty training usually begins between the ages of 18-36 months...
6. Potty training in one day
5. Potty training made easy
4. Potty training is a complex skill...
3. ..this method is NOT for parents. It was designed for children in order to take as much work off the parents as possible.
2. The color I recommend for stimulation while potty training is red. Red is the color associated with the base chakra which controls the kidneys...

Any my personal favorite...

..."It's actually very similar to potty-training a dog"

Yes, that's right folks... some of these websites claim that potty training a child is VERY similar to potty training a dog. If this is the case... couldn't all children be potty trained by the time they are 10 weeks old? Maybe if babies wore red (see #2) the first ten weeks of life they would be potty trained FOR SURE and no longer need any diapers and always whine at the door to go outside and pee...I guess we'll have to try that with our next child.

The point is that everyone has their own theory... some pediatricians recommend waiting until your toddler tells you that they are ready. For some eager three year old children this may actually work... but for others that love to play and hate to stop the fun... well that's a different story. Haven't you ever been having so much fun that you don't want to make a pit stop?! Can you blame them?

To my delight there were websites on EC (Natural Infant Hygiene)... but these were few and far between the other PERFECT ways to potty train your two or three year old! Interesting enough the theories between 'conventional training' and EC aren't that different. In both you 'watch' for your child's signals (yes at two they can verbalize words, but in infancy they can verbalize sounds), you try to 'catch' a void, you use a cue word such as "let's try and go pee" equivalent to our "Annie go pee pee," and you make sure to be patient!

Ahh patience...we are practicing this daily with our sweet daughter. Amazing how a little thing like EC can teach you patience and how to show it to your young daughter.

Although it was fun to browse through these website they all had the same message... be patient, work with your child, let your child guide you, listen to your child, do not push your child, follow these steps and you'll have success, train them in sections (bowel first then bladder)... and most importantly if you want them to be fully potty trained early... you should have gotten a dog!

Today I learned: We should have trained Annie to ring a bell to pee... maybe then this would be similar to potty training a dog!

Diapers saved today = 7
Money saved today = $1.40
Money saved to date = $38.40

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 22

Do you feel when you learn a new skill or accomplish an important task, something else in your life has to be put on the back burner for a few days? That's exactly what I'm noticing with Annie. She found her voice over the weekend and now today she is rolling over! Too tough to concentrate on more than one thing, so she has a few slow days with EC. I am trying so hard to be patient and allow her time to grow, knowing full well she'll come back to EC full blast...after all who wants to sit in wet pants? NOT ANNIE!!!

My goal of being diaper free didn't pan out very well for Annie today. She had an extremely rough night and needed to focus on sleep. So, diaper free time went to the side and we focused on making her happy and getting some much needed sleep (for both of us).

I ended up 'wearing' Annie more today in the baby carrier. In Diaper Free by Ingrid Bauer, she states that when you wear your baby you are more in tune to his/her needs. SO true! As you can see by the totals for today, Annie was communicating the same and I was listening better. I was able to tell exactly when she needed to use the bathroom and she went almost every time I offered. AMAZING!

Each day I am in awe of what a little baby can tell me. Now when I see other babies fuss I think to myself... if only their mom/dad would listen. All of them would be happier!!! Putting in the extra time and effort takes out the guessing game of 'why is she crying' and replaces it with smiles and giggles all around.... it's bound to get better... stay tuned.

Today I learned: Plans don't always work out the way we want... but there is always tomorrow
Diapers saved today = 11
Money saved today = $2.20
Money saved to date = $37.00

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 21

Have you ever put an outfit on your little baby and thought to yourself... this is getting a little tight, but only where it snaps and it would fit him/her so much longer if only she did not have to wear a diaper. I definitely said this today as I was putting Annie in one of her many 'almost too tight' outfits. Sometimes the bulk of the diaper gets in the way. Her outfits may last a few weeks or even a month longer if only she didn't have the bulk of her diaper.
Now you're probably thinking... isn't this lady an advocate for diaper free babies? Yes, I am... well at least I'm trying to be. BUT I am not quite confident in all my skills yet to keep Annie diaper free at all times. Especially when her vocabulary is changing daily. She is communicating differently each day and it will take a few days for me to get used to it. Also...I don't have underwear for her yet. I am assuming a baby would NOT love to go commando and have those seams in her pants or the cold buttons of her onsie against her sensitive skin! So... another search is underway. Soon...the switch to cloth diaper covers may substitute as her undies. Only time will tell.
I have noticed that with my lack of understanding Annie's signals the past few days her diaper rash has started up again. I'm changing her WAY more than I ever did before EC started, but I guess her bottom is used to being DRY ALL the time. I'm working on it. Tomorrow I am going to try and schedule in some diaper free time to REALLY learn her new signals and get them down.
I'm thinking two thirty minute sessions of diaper free time might be what we need to 'spice' things up a little bit.... stay tuned...

Today I learned: Baby clothes could fit longer if diapers were not needed!
Diapers saved today = 8
Money saved today = $1.60
Money saved to date = $34.80

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 20

Officially on to our 20s... days of EC that is. I was five steps too slow all day. It felt like every time Annie would signal I would wait and try everything BUT taking her to the bathroom. Of course I never realized this until evening when Joe was home and wondered why she was so fussy. After a very successful weekend, it was discouraging to see myself slipping and not listening to Annie's communication as well. It must be a case of the Mondays... at least that's what I'm hoping for.
Annie has now found her voice. She is LOVING cooing and ooing and screaming just to be heard. It's so fun to listen to her, yet I think this may have been my reason for being a little slow today. I just need to pay extra special attention tomorrow! The more I listen to her, the more she seems to communicate a little differently. It's like Annie doesn't want to cry to let me know she has to use the bathroom... now she just squirms. Let the games begin... time for me to learn a whole new set of signals!
Stay tuned....

Today I learned: Annie's signals may be changing... I now have to adapt too!
Diapers saved today = 5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $33.20

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Every new mom finds her favorites! Her favorite diaper, outfit, brand of clothing, style of sleepwear, toys, formula, bottle, lotion, socks... Most moms I talked to when I was pregnant with Annie told me the BEST brand of diapers. Each choose a different brand with a different reason. There were moms that loved some due to absorbency value, the cost, less leaks, or some that loved certain brands because they were less 'bulky.' The reasons numerous, diaper brands... a lot, and the diaper types even more... it's no wonder everyone has a favorite and everyone's favorite is different. Now that I've been a mom for three months I have officially found my favorite diaper, not for the cost, not for the absorbency value, not because of the cute designs, not even because it leaks less! I have found my favorite because of the ability to re-fasten the straps then have them hold in place following many times of taking the diaper off and on. So for favorite is Pampers. (and no they aren't paying me anything to say that... so you're welcome Pampers)

Another weekend discussion surrounding our daughter's potty purchase took place today. I am still in search and hoping to make a purchase by the end of the month. I figure that gives me two more weeks to look at Ikea compare prices and decide what is most fit for a princes... or at least Annie.
Many of you are thinking it but only one had to guts to say it...

I guess it's time for me to 'Sh*t or get off the pot.'

Today I learned: After three months I have found my first favorite thing... brand of diaper!

Diapers saved today = 7
Money saved today = $1.40
Money saved to date = $32.20

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Once again the weekend is upon us...for some of you that may mean relaxation and sleep, for others a time to get things crossed off your list. For our household it means time with Daddy and more time to concentrate on EC. Since starting EC, we have had a couple weekends and I find this the best time for Annie to bond with her Dad! That means he gets to participate in more potty breaks throughout the day and night. Of course he gets to play too and Annie loves that!

Being the coupon 'Queen' that I am, I was asked the other day if every time Annie uses the potty I feel as if I'm using a coupon. Well it's not like with she goes I hear the chi-ching of a cash register... but I guess I could look at it this way. Then if I miss a signal it's like forgetting the coupon at home... right?

Today I want to find out more about you... if you're reading this we'd love for you to become a follower so we know who we are entertaining! Stay tuned... more fun to come!

Today I learned: You can do everyday things to feel as if you're using coupons!
Diapers saved today = 9
Money saved today = $1.80
Money saved to date = $30.80

Friday, January 15, 2010


What a great Friday! Annie had a monumental moment today...she signaled different than ever before to use the bathroom. I had just finished feeding her when she started to grab at the neck of my shirt. I removed her hand and offered her more food (assuming this is what she wanted because she was not fussy in the least). She declined my offer and grabbed at me again, again I removed her hand. Then, a third and final time she grabbed at my shirt and started tugging on in as if to say she wanted something. I took her to the bathroom... and she peed! I barely got her undressed and ready to go when she started. It was amazing, she just really had to go and didn't want to dirty her diaper! So fun to see her communicate in a different way.

As for the perfect potty, the search continues... we now have another cheaper option but have to check it out in person at Ikea (thanks Jodi). As we wait for the perfect potty to appear, we will continue to use our dessert containers. Although the therapy Annie will endure when she's a teenager may not be worth the wait...especially when Annie comes home from a friends house and wonders why her friend thinks it's fun to "lick the bowl of her potty." For now we'll wait another couple weeks and pray she doesn't remember any of this. We'll even hide the pictures from her! :)
17 days in and we've saved nearly thirty dollars...I think it's worth it... plus the memories we are making... well they're priceless.
None of use will ever look at Cool Whip the same...sorry...

Today I learned: Annie is learning new ways to communicate her needs everyday!

Diapers saved today = 8
Money saved today = $1.60
Money saved to date = $29.00

Thursday, January 14, 2010


WOULD YOU RATHER...change a dirty diaper or flush the dirty part down the toilet without touching any of it?
I would rather flush it down! That's exactly what I've been doing the past few days...NOT CHANGING poopy diapers. Does Annie poop? OF COURSE... as Taro Gomi clearly illustrates in her book... Everyone Poops! It's just that Annie poops in the toilet. Much like you and I. Yes, she is quite to the point where she can wipe herself (we're working on that one;)) but one simple wipe and it's over. No more scrubbing her bottom to try and get it all clean. It's simple, easy, and less painful for her. In my opinion... a win win situation!

The antibiotics are starting to kick in!!! Annie is a little better today, although still coughing she has not thrown up once! THANK GOD! This morning she awoke ready to go.. quite literally. Her diaper was nearly dry after nine hours of sleep. Again, under 'normal' circumstances I would be worried she's dehydrated... but I knew she was waiting for me to take her to the bathroom. She showed me first hand this morning when she peed a LOT that she was not dehydrated! Annie just didn't want to sit in her heavy, wet diaper! Then a few minutes later she signaled me to take her again. She did this for the first couple hours she was awake, voiding each time she was taken.
Being on antibiotics, the pooping part is getting to be a challenge. Unfortunately, side effects=diarrhea. So, she signals me that she needs to go and by the time I get her pants down she has a little in her diaper. No biggie... I just clean it up and she finishes in the toilet! I'm trying not to give her too much praise because I don't want Annie to think she is failing when she doesn't make it in time. The reality is, I'm failing when she doesn't make it to the potty in time. She can't walk, crawl or even roll over for that matter... how in the world could she get there?! So, I'm trying to be patient with myself and give myself a break when I don't always hear her signals correctly....easier said than done... stay tuned!

Today I learned: Annie depends on me for EVERYTHING...if she misses...I have missed!

Diapers saved today = 11
Money saved today = $2.20
Money saved to date = $27.40

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Illness continues as everyone in our household is officially sick! Annie has an ear infection and needs extra attention today. She's been crying most of the day and very cuddly. Needless to say EC is on the back burner as the day progresses. Even when she's sick she has fussed a few times and wants to be taken to the bathroom occasionally. AMAZING! This morning she went three times in a row, even used her potty to poop. I think she is getting smarter each day.

It's extremely hard for me to read her signals today because she is so upset. I'm hoping once the antibiotics kick in she'll feel better and she'll be able to communicate more to me about her needs. For now, I'll continue to cuddle and snuggle with her praying she feels better soon. Time will help all of us... and a weather warm up couldn't hurt either!

My daughter already has me thinking...if she can make an effort when she is so tired and sick I never have the right to complain about taking her to the bathroom again! I'll admit, there are those times when I'm completely exhausted and I'd rather let her go in her diaper when she signals to pee or poop. Of course there are times when she's crying on the potty because she is tired but needs to go I think to myself how much easier it would be to forget all of it. BUT then there are days like today when she is so tired and I can tell she is not feeling well yet makes an effort to make it to the potty. Days like today reinforce that we're doing this for her and for our future too. Days like today make me thankful that she isn't the two year old that is tired and exhausted and refusing to use the potty. Days like today make me so happy that we are using EC. Days like today make being a mom the BEST gig in town... especially Annie's mom!

EC is second to helping my little one get healthy but we will make every effort to listen as Annie tells us what she needs... stay tuned.

Today I learned: Illness can hinder our progress...only momentarily.

Diapers saved today = 5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $25.20

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


We've all said it at one time or another: "She's filling her pants" or "I bet he/she is about to poop" or even "Whoa, that's gonna be a blowout!" Yup, we've all said those phrases and sat watching the little people in our lives fill up their diapers. We've never jumped up to grab those opportunities and hold our little bundle over a toilet. Sometimes we've even let them sit a little longer than needed "just to see if there's more in there." Can you imagine?! I don't want to think about what I used to say to Annie. The fact that I used to sit and laugh about how she was filling her diaper only to change her WHOLE outfit within minutes due to a blowout. I guess she got the real laugh out of it anyway!
This is the reason EC is so effective and works so well...infants communicate. If you've ever said the above phrases you know how to communicate with a baby. Yes you'll say it's obvious to know when they are grunting and then they stink. True, but don't you think grunting could be their way of communicating? I never really thought about all this until recently. Each time I look at Annie and think "you're about to go to the bathroom" I take her to the potty and she is successful. The other day I was thinking at how sad it would be if I just sat there and watched her go only to get up a few minutes later and change her. What a waste of my time!!!
I am finally noticing Annie's signals and having major success!! This morning, after a rough night, Annie was bone dry (6 hours since her last change). Usually I'd be concerned that my baby wasn't okay or that she was dehydrated, but I took her to the potty and she peed and pooped right on cue. Truly wonderful! Then a little while later after a good breakfast, same thing!
It wasn't until this afternoon after her own little vacation while I was away at work I realized how much she trusted me. She was dry after nearly 5 hours of nap time and I took her right to her potty. "Pee pee...poo poo..." and she went dawning a HUGE smile on that adorable face of hers!
This evening has been even more impressive with using the same (DRY) diaper since 1:00 this afternoon. After her bath we decided to change it because who wants to put on dirty underwear? NOT ME!

Just think of the success we will have with that new potty of hers! Time to pick out the perfect color ... any suggestions?

Today I learned: We all know how to communicate with infants, we just need to act on it!
Diapers saved today = 9
Money saved today = $1.80
Money saved to date = $24.20

Monday, January 11, 2010


We experienced our first 'extended' period of diaper free time today. Annie was totally diaper free for an hour this afternoon. She did very well with it yet ended up peeing during this time. Once that happened she was extremely fussy and wanted to be changed immediately! Change her I did!! Following that she's seemed to be more vocal about when she needs to go to the bathroom. Since this afternoon the only miss we've had was while she was napping for three hours. Pretty impressive if you ask me.
Today seemed to be a great day and she went many times in her 'potty.' I still am amazed at how a little baby can communicate her need so clearly. The more we practice EC the more Annie seems to let us know what is going on. Truly one of God's great gifts on communication without formed words. Joe and I tend to listen to our intuition more often than we used to...we are usually right. As the days progress, so does Annie. I absolutely love seeing her communicate with us and then respond to her cue words. Time will tell how this will effect her in the years to come so for now we are enjoying it and hope that you all are too!
***more diaper free time later this week***

Today I learned: Trust your intuition... more often than not you will be right!
Diapers saved today = 10
Money saved today = $2.00
Money saved to date = $22.40

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Another interesting day in the life of Annie (Look Who's Talking Style):

"Today I woke up late, but my mom thought it was early. I mean 9:00 and the lady is still tired?! C'mon! I guess I did give her a run for her money last night being up for two hours from 3-5am. Well, Daddy was a great sport and decided to get up with me while mommy slowly arose. Off to the bathroom I went. Like a good girl I did my deed and felt MUCH better after 'holding' it all night. Sometimes I'd like to use my words out loud just so they can listen better, I'll have to work on that. After my bathroom break I ate some breakfast and then took another try at the potty. As long as I'm on that subject...let's talk about the potty. My mom and dad don't want to move the cool whip container from bathroom to bathroom so now they hold me over the toilet. This would be okay if I was bigger, but I feel like I'm going to fall into a huge sewer ocean. Yes, they hold me tight but it's a little overwhelming staring at all that water and thinking they expect me to fill it up. I'm only 12 weeks old!!!!
My mom is still searching for the best deal out there on those infant potties. If only there were a coupon for them, she'd have it bought already. (her and her coupons) But I'm hoping by Valentine's day this will happen. We'll see!
The day progressed as always and I have to admit I did a pretty good job. I went pee most times my mom or dad took me and I'm even getting this poop thing down too! They're so proud.

Tonight when my mom pulled out the chocolate chip ice cream bucket I got a little nervous... but she was just making me a treat for later! It was a close call but she said she was so proud of me that I deserved a treat (although it'll be a day or two before I reap the benefits). I'm looking forward to it.

I heard my parents talking this weekend about the weeks plans. Apparently my mom is going to really let me go diaper free this week for a few hours. I CAN'T WAIT!!!!! I get to be free of that bulk in my pants and be like a grown up. She says if I communicate well during these few hours she'll do more of this, but that means she'll have to find me some big girl underwear. This may be a challenge so good think I have an Aunt who can sew alterations!! I guess this diaper free time may happen tomorrow depending on how we are all feeling here... I'll keep you all posted.
I better go to bed for the night...I have a BIG week ahead of me... stay tuned!"

Today I learned: Weekends aren't as productive in EC as we'd like them to be!
Diapers saved today = 7
Money saved today = $1.40
Money saved to date = $20.40

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Annie greeted us this morning with a smile and a fuss. First stop: the bathroom. She went right on cue and was even happier.
The rest of the day seemed a little hard on all of us. Perhaps it's the cold weather wearing us down or maybe just the fact that the weekend is here, but we were all moving a few steps slower. A few steps slower for us means a few misses throughout the day. ECing always seems easier during the week... I know I know, eleven days in and I say "always."

Well, Annie had a few good signals that we caught and a few GREAT signals that we somehow missed. I blame myself for the BLOWOUT tonight. I totally forgot what a blowout was for the past week and a half, but she sure reminded me tonight. I think Annie made sure it was an extra BIG blowout just because I didn't pay attention to her cues. For some reason the thought crossed my mind that she needed to go to the bathroom, but then again I thought she was just fussy. So I decided to feed her and hold her, boy did pay back come to me! Poop ALL over and I mean all over everything. Not only did she soil her own clothing (through three layers) but she got my sweater pretty good too. It was crazy! Of course she giggled and laughed all while I was cleaning her up! Boy oh Boy... ECing is great for many reasons but if I could choose just one today I would choose the fact that blowouts are few and far between! Now that's something we can all be happy about!!!

Today I learned: Listen to Annie's cues.. or you may be changing a lot more than you bargained for!
Diapers saved today = 5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $19.00

Friday, January 8, 2010


What a fun day! Today was the first of many adventures that I was unable to practice ECing with Annie 24/7. I went to work leaving the task to Nana and Grandpa. (We decided that family would only do EC if they want to try it out for themselves. Try it out they did!) Much to my surprise, they decided to take Annie once after her nap because she woke up dry. Once the cue word was said...she did her duty! AMAZING!!!
Yes, she peed in her diaper more than a couple times today but that's okay. We are still learning. Annie is smart yet needs daily reminders to keep her going. Tomorrow we are back to 24/7 attention.
Last night Annie was SOUND asleep and I thought for sure she was out for the night. Nope... once again she proved me wrong and woke up twice to pee. It still baffles my mind how a little girl that is unable to speak seems to hold her bladder to be offered the right time to pee. I don't quite understand it all, but I'm learning quickly.
Tonight... another fun adventure...journey to a friend's house. We decided not to bring the cool whip container for fear we would leave it there and they may use it as a container for food! (ew) So, we left with a diaper bag and baby in hands (well in the car seat). Once we got there Annie signaled that she had to pee and pee she did! She Christened the toilet three times!!!! I think she finally feels good going in the toilet, although she prefers the safety of her 'cool whip' she will venture out into the great big world every once in a while.
Now we can leave home assured all we need is Annie!

No time today to search for the perfect potty. Will try and find something tomorrow and let you all know the status once found. IF you're curious as to what they look like check out the infant potty:
It's little but then again it's made for little people.

Today I learned: Adventures can be fun... and tiring!

Diapers saved today = 10
Money saved today = $1.80
Money saved to date = $18.00

Thursday, January 7, 2010


A snowy day here in MN, seems like everyone is a bit "under the weather" at our house. Annie is fighting a cold and very stuffy. She has been extremely fussy all day which makes EC very difficult for me. This morning she managed to pee three times, but that's about all she could take before crying and fussing.
Finally, I laid her down for a nap and she slept for FOUR WHOLE HOURS(THANK YOU GOD)! Around 6 I decided she needed to get up so I could sleep tonight. I thought for sure she would have a wet diaper as today was not going very smoothly. To my amazement she was bone dry. A potty trip was needed and she peed and pooped right on cue. A little while later another fuss and she went again, and then a third time. Annie is even opening up to EC with her Daddy tonight, maybe she should nap more often. I guess she was out to prove me wrong today and what kid doesn't want to do that at one point or another in his/her lifetime!

One thing I realized today is pottying Annie is helpful in knowing if she is eating enough. The color of urine can tell so much and actually seeing it un-masked helps me to know if she should be eating more. And yes, today she should be. So that makes another challenge...try to get her to eat some more. Each day brings new awareness to us and new challenges to our home. Eventually we'll be brave and leave her totally diaper free for more than 10 minutes at a time. Perhaps that will be next weeks task... stay tuned.

Today I learned: Toileting Annie has many benefits that are yet to be discovered.
Diapers saved today = 7
Money saved today = $1.40
Money saved to date = $16.20

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


ONE WEEK DOWN!!!! (51 to go)

To celebrate Annie's one week of EC'ing, we took a trip to the mall to do some Christmas returns. Amazingly she spent most of the time sleeping but woke up in the middle of JCPenny's. I thought she may need to go to the bathroom, so I took her. Yes, her first public bathroom experience barely three months old. Thankfully I had planned ahead and packed her "potty" (with lid) in the stroller. So here I am in the handicap stall (so we can fit both of us and the stroller) saying "pee pee pee pee pee." I can only imagine what the other women in the restroom thought when they heard me: "What is that lady doing? Does she really need to encourage herself to go... I sure hope she's not making her baby go to the bathroom..what is going on?" Well, to make them even more confused I praised Annie once she peed in the potty. Annie is a trooper, most grown ups don't even like to use public facilities...but she went right on cue!

By the way, have you ever looked for underwear for a baby? Well I'm assuming they're pretty hard to come by. I was at Babies R Us today and searched for some baby underwear (for Annie to have in the months to come) but the SMALLEST size was 2T (or 20-28 pounds). Unless she starts lifting some serious weights and eating all of our food each day she won't reach that weight for a while. Now another product to search for online!

The search continues for the perfect infant potty as I find the ultimate best price. Ironically I found one on for $10, but it was more to ship the potty than it was for the potty. SO... I'm back to ground zero searching for something that is less than $15 with shipping.

I almost forgot, Annie is making progress in the poop world. She pooped three times in the potty today! AMAZING!!!! Maybe if I add a page to her "Where's the Poop" book with a baby sans diaper and a cool whip container showing the poop she'll really get it!

Today I learned: The diaper industry must make deals with Hanes to only make size 2T and up!
Diapers saved today = 9
Money saved today = $1.80
Money saved to date = $14.80

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Do babies really do things deliberately? I would normally answer no to that question, but today I'm am carefully rethinking that response. Each time Annie pees she get closer and closer to her Daddy's razor and brush no matter how far away it is on the counter. And today she had to pee really bad and the cool whip container was upstairs so she peed in his sink! If she does this now, scary to think of her rebelling at age 13!

Annie is doing great with the peeing part of the equation. Even though her 'potty' is more of a make shift cheapo version of a toilet and she is always held in front of a mirror due to the height, comfort and positioning we use, she seems to be grasping the concept quite well. I know, I know, she is only a baby... but she is one smart baby! (She must take after her mother).

Today she peed in her diaper twice and then cried until I changed her (which was only a minute tops). Last time I checked you can barely tell when a diaper is wet from feel (thank you pampers), yet the weight changes a little. She must have a scale in her that signals her vocal cords whenever the weight changes. I'm a little worried what would happen if we decide to go diaper free and then need to have her wear a diaper again. YIKES! But we just can't get this pooping thing down. It's like she wants to go, but then sees herself in the mirror and changes her mind. I guess she has a point, would you like to use the bathroom staring into a mirror?!

I finally had to give her permission to poop her pants today to help her go. She was eating and I felt as if she needed to go, so I decided to let her keep eating and say the cue word. Within seconds she started going, then I took her to the bathroom and she continued in the potty. CRAZY! I don't know what else to do to encourage her to go in the bucket. I tried bribing her but she just smiles at me knowing she'll get what she wants anyway. Then I tried feeding her candy, but I'm just getting cavities...any other ideas?
Before I gave her permission to dirty her diaper I attempted at the potty. She just stared at me the whole time and giggled. As if to say "Mom, this is too funny to do what you want... I'm peeing and that just isn't enough. I'll show you! Buy me a NICE NEW potty, then we'll talk."

With that I'm off to search for the PERFECT infant potty... wish me luck!

Today I learned: Babies know more than they let on!
Diapers saved today = 8
Money saved today = $1.60
Money saved to date = $13.00

Monday, January 4, 2010


I'd like to see another "Look Who's Talking" movie made, but this time with infants whom are practicing elimination communication.
I can only imagine Annie's part: "My mom decided to try this new thing where she says a certain word and I pee or poop in this bucket, or at least that's the idea. Mom says it's going to work and Dad agrees, but I have total control. The first day or two I played along because it was funny, then I decided to rebel a little to make them second guess this EC thing and now I'm just going along with it because frankly I hate these heavy diapers!

Their so called 'potty' is a Cool Whip container and this grosses me out, but what can I do about it? Hoping they get a real potty soon...aren't I worth it? My Auntie says I'll never look at Cool Whip the same way, I totally agree. I'm not even three months old and they're already ruining the good food for me, next thing you know they'll have me pee or poop in an ice cream bucket! ick!

The funny part is I fuss a little and they run to get me on the pot. While they're walking, I continue to fuss and they try and undress me to use the bathroom. This is quite the challenge and makes me chuckle every time. Then my mom or dad puts me in the squat position and cues me to pee/poop. I have to peeing thing down, but pooping in front of someone... c'mon give the girl some privacy! Sometimes I make it harder for Dad, just to see what he says. He's a good sport about it and feels bad for me. Then I get more hugs and kisses... I have him just where I want him! :)
Oh and talk about the procrastination tactic for bedtime, now I can fuss one way and eat, fuss another and get taken to the bathroom, and even fuss another way and get rocked some more. IT's GREAT! Every kid should try this!!!

Mom and Dad think they are crazy for doing this sometimes, and I have to agree (but don't tell them that). Yet after a couple days I actually am glad that they tried this, if it saves me from wearing wet or dirty diapers for hours at a time I'll play along for now. Hopefully someday soon I'll be able to poop (and pee) in private in the real potty they'll (hopefully) buy for me! Until then, one day at a time is all I can give them...I'm sure I'll have more funny stories for you though. Keep reading!"

Today I learned: Even infants have thoughts... now if only we knew what they were!
Diapers saved today = 7
Money saved today = $1.40
Money saved to date = $11.40

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Only day five and Annie has made definite progress. She appears to be understanding the cue word for pee and going nearly every time the opportunity is given. Each day she understands poop better and is beginning to use the potty regularly to do this. I have only changed one poopy diaper in the last 4 days!!!
Annie is feeling better today, at least no fever. She is smiling more and playing during her awake time today, perhaps that's why today is more successful than yesterday.

Of course, the question still sits in my mind whether or not this will truly work. Both of us believe it will, yet the results aren't instantaneous which can be difficult. I guess this shows how much I am a part of the NOW generation! Like anything, it will become easier once it becomes part of our routine. Thankfully I am staying home the majority of the time and can fully engage in this potty 'training' experience with her. I have been reading Diaper Free by Ingrid Bauer and am encouraged daily in this adventure. The encouragement comes at a much needed time while we are practicing something that is counter cultural. Some days I have my moments when I want to quit because this is a lot of work, then again isn't this what we signed up for when we decided to expand our family?

You might be saying to yourself, "it's only day 5 and you're talking like this already." You're right, but people do this with toddlers who are able to talk back, cry when they don't get their way, and poop their diapers just out of spite. So, a little time now may save us big time in 2 years. Like I always say: time will tell so stay tuned...

Today I learned: Trying something new is not always easy but the reward is worth the effort!
Diapers saved today = 13*
Money saved today = $2.60
Money saved to date = $10.00

*After writing early last night, she peed a couple more times in the potty which is added to today's total for diapers saved/money saved.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Another day another challenge.

Annie is sick today, running a low grade fever and very fussy. It's hard to determine 'I don't feel good' fusses from the 'I have to go to the bathroom' fusses. Needless to say, we had a lot of misses today and did not credit Annie enough for her bathroom fusses.

With all that said, we still were impressed when Annie woke up from both her long naps DRY. Yes, I said DRY. Not a drop in her diaper and we have those diapers that change colors even when there is the tiniest bit of moisture on them. Upon seeing that she was completely dry, we took her to the potty and used the cue word. She peed a lot! It was as if she was holding it, which every medical professional will tell us is impossible (I'll dive into those logistics another day). BUT we believe she is truly understanding this potty learning process.
It's now 7pm and she has peed in the bucket 7 times. I guess that's pretty good for a little girl who is fighting a bug.
Off to play while the Tylenol is working... maybe we'll get some more potty time in.
Stay tuned...

Today I learned: Each time Annie fusses there is a reason: if only we could decode that reason!
Diapers saved today = 7
Money saved today = $1.40
Money saved to date = $7.40

Friday, January 1, 2010


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! We rang in the new decade with Annie in arms and family around us. What a great way to celebrate the milestones to come in this new year.

As for today... what a poopy day (quite literally)!

We woke up and the day was started with a BANG! Daddy took Annie to the potty and she pooped and peed upon cuing. Next up, BREAKFAST and she ate like a champ... but like most children she procrastinated cleaning up with the 'ol "I have to go to the bathroom" trick. Lucky for her she managed to pee and poop again! Two in less than an hour... today was bound to be a great day! Many successes today and a few misses. It's bound to happen and we won't have dry diapers consistently until after a few months of practicing EC (according to the 'experts'). After a month, we'll need to invest in a baby potty that's more comfortable for her (boy I never thought those words would come out of my mouth). By then I'm thinking we'll have saved enough to splurge the $12.95 (hopefully)!

Today I feel as if I am learning her signals better. It seems like she fusses a bit and then fusses more when I don't take her to use the potty right away. AMAZING!

I have to say: this whole Elimination Communication is tons of work... we're taking her about every 20-30 minutes. (and she pees or poops that often) I suppose if we want her to learn not to sit in a wet diaper we need to listen to her signals. Sometimes I feel awkward because we take our infant to use the potty and "normal" people change diapers. Then I ask myself: When did our society become so backwards that it is normal to change diapers than to have infants pee/poop in a potty?

Today I learned: I'm writing daily about my daughter's pee and poop habits... too funny!
Diapers saved today = 13
Money saved today = $2.60
Money saved to date = $6.00