Sunday, January 3, 2010


Only day five and Annie has made definite progress. She appears to be understanding the cue word for pee and going nearly every time the opportunity is given. Each day she understands poop better and is beginning to use the potty regularly to do this. I have only changed one poopy diaper in the last 4 days!!!
Annie is feeling better today, at least no fever. She is smiling more and playing during her awake time today, perhaps that's why today is more successful than yesterday.

Of course, the question still sits in my mind whether or not this will truly work. Both of us believe it will, yet the results aren't instantaneous which can be difficult. I guess this shows how much I am a part of the NOW generation! Like anything, it will become easier once it becomes part of our routine. Thankfully I am staying home the majority of the time and can fully engage in this potty 'training' experience with her. I have been reading Diaper Free by Ingrid Bauer and am encouraged daily in this adventure. The encouragement comes at a much needed time while we are practicing something that is counter cultural. Some days I have my moments when I want to quit because this is a lot of work, then again isn't this what we signed up for when we decided to expand our family?

You might be saying to yourself, "it's only day 5 and you're talking like this already." You're right, but people do this with toddlers who are able to talk back, cry when they don't get their way, and poop their diapers just out of spite. So, a little time now may save us big time in 2 years. Like I always say: time will tell so stay tuned...

Today I learned: Trying something new is not always easy but the reward is worth the effort!
Diapers saved today = 13*
Money saved today = $2.60
Money saved to date = $10.00

*After writing early last night, she peed a couple more times in the potty which is added to today's total for diapers saved/money saved.

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