Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 121

I often wonder what Annie is thinking throughout the day... does she have thoughts like a grown up or does she think in syllables like goo, ga, ba, ma.. etc? I'm assuming the later but could be completely wrong. Tonight as she was playing I was in awe how she looks at each toy so intently and tries to figure out different thing to do with it. For instance she looks at a toy letter (the mail kind) and turns her wrist to check it out in all directions, then she'll bang it against her toy mail box to see if that makes anything happen. There are times something happens because the mail box falls over and starts to sing, and other times she hits it just right so the mail box stays upright and doesn't make a sound.
After watching this process for a good 5 minutes I couldn't help but wonder if Annie and her mail box are similar to EC and me. There are times when I 'examine' Annie's signals and take her to the bathroom for nothing to happen except her smile and kick her tiny legs. Other times I hear her signal and take her to the bathroom for her to eliminate in all forms. But depending on the day, time and situation I get a different outcome. Somehow I need to figure out how to tell Annie's certain signal to get the outcome of elimination...Stay tuned and wish me luck!

Today I learned: It's fun to try and decode Annie's thoughts!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $136.00

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