Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 127

This morning started out with quite the challenge. First let's start with EARLY morning (around midnight) Annie started crying so logically I thought she was hungry. I guess when I'm half asleep I automatically feed her to make her sleep faster... I need to stop doing that. Anyways... fed Annie and we all slept until 7ish when I had to get ready for work.
I usually change Annie at Nana and Grandpa's but today I decided to get her fully dressed at home, new diaper and all...GOOD THING! She had pooped in her diaper... no biggie... I took her to the potty and she peed. Well she must have pooped on our way to her potty because after I laid her on the changing table I wondered what she was playing with... POOP! OH ICK! Then the REAL clean up began. It was in her hands, feet, close to getting in her hair, and on my shirt! Thank GOD I don't wear nice clothes to work! After about 15 minutes of clean up and lots of laughing (both Annie and I were cracking up) we were ready to face the day!

Needless to say I am thankful poopy diapers do not happen too often. Although I suppose if they happened more, I wouldn't think they were so gross. Hmmm... interesting concept!

Today I learned: They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder.. 'they' never had a child who rarely pooped in her diaper then got to change a poopy mess!
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $0.80
Money saved to date = $140.00

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