This evening, as I tried to convince Annie that rice cereal is the most delicious thing ever made I couldn't help but wonder all the things in life we need convincing to do. In the short months since I became a mom I have had to convince Annie of many things. First to eat from me, want to wear clothes, stop crying, start sleeping, wear a diaper, be held by others besides her dad and myself, and adjust to a new living environment. That was just in the first 24 hours! Now there are daily challenges that present themselves and I'm left wondering what the perfect way to convince her is.
For starters...we try to make her feel as if using the potty is the best thing she'll do all day! We all know it isn't that exciting, but to a baby perhaps it could be. Or at least they are little enough to trick for a while. Eventually when it isn't one of the most exciting moments of her day, she'll be used to using a potty and think nothing of it as she goes along with her business (quite literally).
Starting rice cereal the past few days has been another challenge! Trying to convince her that this weird textured substance is SO delicious that she should eat ALL of her teaspoons worth of it.... yup we give her a WHOLE teaspoon at a time. Doesn't seem like much, but trust me to get the tsp down is a struggle. I do my best to try and put on my "yum" face and convince her that it's the best thing she'll ever eat... she's not buying my tactics.
It's funny to me that here I sit, trying to convince Annie to eat rice cereal and how great it is... when in a few years I'll try to do the same thing when she reaches for yet another cookie. I'll try to convince her how amazing it is to eat oatmeal or the other healthy alternative as opposed to fruit loops or some other delicious sugar filled morning meal!
My question then becomes... do we always need convincing from our parents? Will I always be saying "it's the best" to every new adventure I want her to try? For now... we're blessed... Annie truly thinks her blue potty is... yup you guessed it... the best. Who wouldn't... just look at it's beauty!
Today I learned: I will forever try to convince Annie to try 'amazing' new things!
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