Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 83

I've often wanted the life of a baby... no cares in the world. However, since I became a mom I realized that Annie has a rough job. She's expected to be happy most of the time which she usually does a pretty good job of. To top that off, when she does cry or act crabby Joe and I look for ways to ensure she quickly switches back to her happy mood. No crying in our house!
Of course there's the constant playing, which at first I thought would be fun. When I really stopped to think about this one it must be overwhelming.. all these toys in your face and the expectation you know what to do with all of them. Then, if Annie doesn't know what to do with all her toys we try and teach her so she can learn quickly. I'm sure there are days she just wants to lay back and relax.
A post can't be complete without some EC talk...most babies are able to continue their daily ventures and go in their diapers. Not our little one. She has to stop what she's doing and try and use the potty. So.. all in all maybe she needs a break from being a baby. But then again that will come soon enough.
Speaking of taking her to the bathroom....

Today I learned: Maybe being a baby isn't all it appears to be...
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $.80
Money saved to date = $102.40

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