Friday, February 5, 2010

DAy 38

"What an eventful day! My mom brought me to the Mall of America... and boy what a place. LIGHTS EVERYWHERE... I was in heaven! Lots and lots of shops to look in too, what a crazy place! Nana came with to keep my mom company but I did a pretty good job keeping up with the conversation. Oh and the attention I got from all those strangers... apparently I'm pretty cute. Of course I smiled to appease them and I even giggled at some of the funny things I saw.
The best part was... a NEW toilet to try out! We were in Bloomingdale's and I had to pee so I started to whine and squirm a little in the stroller. Mom thought my pants needed changing and they had this nifty little baby changing area with a sink. Yup... I got my very own sink and needless to say I christened it! It was awesome! Nana was SO impressed and mommy was super proud. It was good to be me, but then again isn't it always good to be me?!
Let me tell you the MOA (as we like to nickname it) was quite the experience. I rode along, slept, and learned how to shop with the best of em. I'm sure I'll have more time and MANY more days to become a savvy shopper. At least I'm getting a feel for how the mall works and how to best navigate such a big place. I'm sure glad I can't walk yet cuz boy would that be tiring. I'm spoiled and was able to ride around like the princess I am just to look at the cute things.
Did you know they even have restaurants in the mall? You would never have to leave if you didn't want to... you could eat all the yummy food, sleep on those benches I saw everywhere, and buy enough clothes to last you through all stages in life. The only thing I didn't see was diapers... lucky for me I don't need many of those... so I could live there no problem. My mommy says to give it about 13 years and I'll really never want to leave... hmmm... I wonder what she means? Well, I best get my rest... who knows what tomorrow will bring. You better stay tuned to find out!"

Today I learned: Even a savvy shopper has to take time out to pee!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $53.80

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