Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 53

Transitions, have you ever thought about all the transitions in your life? I was thinking today along these lines and thought off all the transitions children (specifically Annie) will make in her first year of life.
First, there is the transition from living inside a warm cozy nest of your mother to the real, cold bright world. Then of course comes the transition of eating milk, breast or formula, following with transition to an occasional bottle for Annie. Next is the transition of wearing clothing and being wrapped in blankets. Annie didn't like this transition because she wanted her arms free, no swaddling for her. Following the stay in the hospital Annie had to transition to the outside weather, the car, and then her new home. She slept in her bassinet at first, then on Joe or I, tried out her bouncy and swing for sleep and now we are attempting her crib. (Wish us luck) Of course there is the transition eventually from liquids to solids, or cereal. From cereal to vegetables, vegetables to fruit, fruit to finger food, and finger food to table grown up food. Clothes are another transition...especially in size and style. As a newborn Annie mainly wore sleep sacks, then sleepers, then comfy fleece, now she wears jeans on occasion. I almost forgot... TOYS. Annie transitioned from loving to play with her hands to using her hands to pick up her favorite rattle, then ball, now doll. And the infamous sleep transition...when she was first born she slept all the time when she wasn't eating. Now she likes to stay awake and only nap once or twice during the day. Let's not forget the position transition, needing to have support at all times under her head to being able to hold up her own head, roll over, sit up on her own, eventually crawl and ultimately walk.
Last, but certainly not least is the transition from diapers to toilet/underwear. Most families don't begin this transition until into age 2 or even later. As a family that practices EC this transition also occurs in the first year of life. Annie has learned what her potty is for, uses it when given the opportunity, and enjoys being diaper free.
With all these transitions it amazes me that Annie is not confused! Or if she is she hides it well... how do babies know what's next? Is Annie really that trusting of us to count on us to introduce the right transitions to her? I hope she continues to trust us as we transition her through all the milestones in life. What will be next... stay tuned!

Today I learned: Babies go through many transitions, most of them in the first year.
Diapers saved today =7
Money saved today = $1.40
Money saved to date = $70.60

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