Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 40

A day full of fun! Isn't that what Sundays are good for? Annie experienced new places today along with new toilets! SOOO exciting when you're three months old! Unfortunately we were unable to catch a lot of her pees and poops today due to the places we visited. It's hard to 'quick' take her to the bathroom when you're at a restaurant and you have to bring the diaper bag with 'just in case.' But, we made it a few times. Annie signaled a few times today and I was unable to do anything about except to tell her it was okay to go in her diaper.
It blows my mind that I have to give my infant daughter permission to pee or poop in her diaper when she signals. I guess that's a good thing, it means this EC is more effective than not. This week I am trying my best to have a few goals:
1. Stay diaper free for 2 hours a day for three days
2. Bring Annie to the potty immediately when she signals instead of waiting it out to 'see if it could be something else'
3. Order that infant potty I've been talking about for the past 40 days!

Stay tuned to see my progress with it all.... it should be enjoyable!

Today I learned: Sometimes you have to give your child permission to break the 'rules'
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $.60
Money saved to date = $55.20

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