Summer came and went in the blink of an eye. For a Mom who is not a big fan of cold weather or snow I am missing the days of our 90 degree heat! I guess it's better for Annie to be in the cool beautiful fall air.
EC is a S L O W process these days. I am forgetting my pizazz that I had 9 months ago and chalking it up to being busy. In the grand scheme of things we are ALL busy. Busy is life for all of us and I am SO thankful for that! God has provided me with many opportunities to be busy and enjoy life with Annie and Joe!
We are continuing to EC a little and use cloth diapers as we see fit. Alright alright... as I see fit. Joe still refuses to use them as he doesn't want his hands getting dirty. :( I have grown to LOVE them! Yup that's right: LOVE! This week I am going to order the liners so Annie can be in cloth diapers most of the time without my fear of cleaning the poop out of them.
Last Thursday she was in cloth all day even while running errands (I'm getting brave), well she stayed dry for 5 hours! It was amazing and boy oh boy did she have to use her potty when we got home!!! WOW! I look at that day and smile as she signaled many times while we were out but she was every patient with her mommy and waited until I got it.
I learned this week that I need to listen to my daughter better and SLOW down to enjoy these precious moments!
School starts tomorrow and that means a schedule must be put in place for I will continue to EC and write about my adventures in the "new" EC year!
Stay tuned...
Monday, September 6, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
I can't believe that my little angel is 10 months old! Where did time go? I feel like it was yesterday we were driving to the hospital to find out who this tiny miracle would be. Yet, as I think back on the past 10 months I can't imagine what I did without my sunshine around to make me smile, laugh and yes... even cry at times.
Well we have been using EC with Annie since she was 11 weeks. Do I think it's working? SURE! I continue to use cloth diapers off and on throughout the weeks and am still trying to convince Joe to use them too. (I think I'll still be convincing him in 10 years). Annie seems VERY active in EC while in her cloth covers. She whines and crawls up to me so I take her to the potty. AMAZING!!!
As I've always said time will tell.... I guess in 8 months we'll know if EC was the way to go. Once she's 18 months I think we'll focus on getting her fully potty trained/learned then we'll know if EC was worth our time (and yours).
I'll try to write more, but with a busy busy little girl needing my attention I can't promise much! Stay tuned and check in periodically, perhaps there will be an EC breakthrough!
Well we have been using EC with Annie since she was 11 weeks. Do I think it's working? SURE! I continue to use cloth diapers off and on throughout the weeks and am still trying to convince Joe to use them too. (I think I'll still be convincing him in 10 years). Annie seems VERY active in EC while in her cloth covers. She whines and crawls up to me so I take her to the potty. AMAZING!!!
As I've always said time will tell.... I guess in 8 months we'll know if EC was the way to go. Once she's 18 months I think we'll focus on getting her fully potty trained/learned then we'll know if EC was worth our time (and yours).
I'll try to write more, but with a busy busy little girl needing my attention I can't promise much! Stay tuned and check in periodically, perhaps there will be an EC breakthrough!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Day 204
Another day in disposables. BUMMER! With working all day I couldn't hardly ask family to take care of Annie AND cloth diapers. Joe is home tonight with Annie and I KNOW for a FACT that there will NOT be any cloth diapering going on while I'm gone. Can I blame him? The other night I was washing out a poopy diaper in the toilet thinking I really need to get some liners to flush for the poopy days. So here I am again thinking to myself how wonderful the cloth idea was at first...could it still be wonderful? Or is it only wonderful in theory not practicality?! We shall find out in the days to come... stay tuned!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Day 203
WOW... we made it... over 200 days of EC. Okay okay perhaps it wasn't constant EC but a valiant effort for sure. Today was our first adventure out of the house in cloth diapers. We went to Nana and Grandpa's for a play date with cousins. I know what you're thinking, that was hardly an adventure but being anywhere away from home and the comfort of our diaper pail IS an adventure! Annie did GREAT... no leaks, no poops, and no pee... in her cloth diaper.
Me on the other hand TOTALLY SCREWED UP... I went to take her cloth diaper and switch to a disposable for nap time (she wakes up the minute she wets her cloth one and doesn't get a good nap in)...Well she was dry. SO I proceeded to place her in the disposable diaper and forgot/neglected to take her potty. I should have taken the time to take her to pee. When she woke up from her 2 hour nap Annie was soaked through to her clothes with Pee. Poor thing was holding it in her cloth and trying to get me to take her potty. Sorry Annie... next time I'll actually be on top of it and take you!
Next step... an adventure out and about... not at a house!
Stay tuned...
Me on the other hand TOTALLY SCREWED UP... I went to take her cloth diaper and switch to a disposable for nap time (she wakes up the minute she wets her cloth one and doesn't get a good nap in)...Well she was dry. SO I proceeded to place her in the disposable diaper and forgot/neglected to take her potty. I should have taken the time to take her to pee. When she woke up from her 2 hour nap Annie was soaked through to her clothes with Pee. Poor thing was holding it in her cloth and trying to get me to take her potty. Sorry Annie... next time I'll actually be on top of it and take you!
Next step... an adventure out and about... not at a house!
Stay tuned...
Monday, July 12, 2010
Day 195
Boy oh Boy... I haven't blogged in a VERY long time. I'm so sorry for those of you who keep checking this and... nothing new.
Summer seems to take over at our house these days. We are loving every HOT day and trying to keep Annie cool and shaded.
Cloth diapers are slowly being integrated into our lifestyle although Joe is NOT thrilled about them. To tell you the truth, I don't even know if I'm that thrilled about them... but I bought them and I'm determined to get thrilled about them! Hindsight is always 20/20 right?!
After weeks and weeks of having the cloth diapers I have only used them a handful of times. Which to me seems like a waste, but I keep telling myself that I'm easing into them. Annie does a LOT better with EC while having a cloth diaper on. If I know we aren't leaving the house I try and keep Annie in cloth ALL day.
I guess I'm learning a lot and could write a couple pages, but since I've been out of this for over a month I'll write more tomorrow!
Stay tuned... this will get more consistent... I PROMISE!
Summer seems to take over at our house these days. We are loving every HOT day and trying to keep Annie cool and shaded.
Cloth diapers are slowly being integrated into our lifestyle although Joe is NOT thrilled about them. To tell you the truth, I don't even know if I'm that thrilled about them... but I bought them and I'm determined to get thrilled about them! Hindsight is always 20/20 right?!
After weeks and weeks of having the cloth diapers I have only used them a handful of times. Which to me seems like a waste, but I keep telling myself that I'm easing into them. Annie does a LOT better with EC while having a cloth diaper on. If I know we aren't leaving the house I try and keep Annie in cloth ALL day.
I guess I'm learning a lot and could write a couple pages, but since I've been out of this for over a month I'll write more tomorrow!
Stay tuned... this will get more consistent... I PROMISE!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Day 163
Washed, dried, folded... ready to go! The cloth diapers that is. YUP...this afternoon around 12:20 I began to use the cloth diapers on Annie. No more disposables for today. (I hope) It was quite the ordeal to begin with:
I had NO idea how to fold the prefolds so here I was with a naked baby on my lap googling how to fold a prefold diaper. I guess I thought it was going to just come to me... as most mothering things have. BUT God did not give me the cloth diaper folding gene so I began to do research all the while praying that Annie didn't pee (or poop) on me. It was quite the deal. After minutes (which seemed like hours) I found a few websites with multiple ways to fold a prefold and use a snappi.
For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about you're probably saying "now why in the world does this lady need to learn how to fold a prefold and what the heck is a snappi." Let me explain a little cloth diaper lingo for you:
Prefold = a type of cloth diaper that is pre-folded in the center up to 8 layers and sewn to keep the center more absorbent. You've probably seen these as great dust cloths or burp cloths.
Snappi = in place of a diaper pin. I describe it similar to a metal fastener that one would use on an ACE bandage but in a T shape and larger. Make sense?
I decided to do the old fashioned fold first also called the newspaper fold. Needless to say that this whole process took me over a half an hour. The whole time I was thinking.. boy this may have been the dumbest thing I've been thrilled about trying. Of course I HAVE to follow through with it because we spent a good chunk of money upfront! So follow through I did.
Annie needed to use the bathroom during lunch and peed a little in her cloth diaper. SO.. I changed it now using the bikini roll or twist fold. I feel like this type of fold is easier but I'm still learning. And to answer your question it did not take me thirty minutes to change her diaper this time. YIKES!
Stay tuned because this is going to get VERY interesting!!!
Today I learned: This whole cloth thing is a LOT tougher than I thought it was goin to be
Diapers saved today =don't know how to do this anymore with the cloth... but about 12
Money saved today = $2.40
Money saved to date = $153.60
I had NO idea how to fold the prefolds so here I was with a naked baby on my lap googling how to fold a prefold diaper. I guess I thought it was going to just come to me... as most mothering things have. BUT God did not give me the cloth diaper folding gene so I began to do research all the while praying that Annie didn't pee (or poop) on me. It was quite the deal. After minutes (which seemed like hours) I found a few websites with multiple ways to fold a prefold and use a snappi.
For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about you're probably saying "now why in the world does this lady need to learn how to fold a prefold and what the heck is a snappi." Let me explain a little cloth diaper lingo for you:
Prefold = a type of cloth diaper that is pre-folded in the center up to 8 layers and sewn to keep the center more absorbent. You've probably seen these as great dust cloths or burp cloths.
Snappi = in place of a diaper pin. I describe it similar to a metal fastener that one would use on an ACE bandage but in a T shape and larger. Make sense?
I decided to do the old fashioned fold first also called the newspaper fold. Needless to say that this whole process took me over a half an hour. The whole time I was thinking.. boy this may have been the dumbest thing I've been thrilled about trying. Of course I HAVE to follow through with it because we spent a good chunk of money upfront! So follow through I did.
Annie needed to use the bathroom during lunch and peed a little in her cloth diaper. SO.. I changed it now using the bikini roll or twist fold. I feel like this type of fold is easier but I'm still learning. And to answer your question it did not take me thirty minutes to change her diaper this time. YIKES!
Stay tuned because this is going to get VERY interesting!!!
Today I learned: This whole cloth thing is a LOT tougher than I thought it was goin to be
Diapers saved today =don't know how to do this anymore with the cloth... but about 12
Money saved today = $2.40
Money saved to date = $153.60
Monday, June 7, 2010
Day 160
THE CLOTH DIAPERS HAVE ARRIVED!!!! As soon as Annie wakes from her nap we are off to buy detergent to wash them a few times to gain maximum capacity! Hopefully by Wednesday evening we will have started cloth diapering!!! I am SOOO excited to being this new adventure in our lives!
Over the weekend Annie started signing to us when she needs to use the bathroom. Pretty impressive!! I couldn't believe it and I'm SO glad that I'm seeing progress.
Stay tuned because I will be writing a LOT more now that the cloth diapers are in our possession and we will be using them very SOON!
Today I learned: Who knew diapers could make me this excited!!!!
Diapers saved today =10 (since last post)
Money saved today = $2.00
Money saved to date = $151.20
Over the weekend Annie started signing to us when she needs to use the bathroom. Pretty impressive!! I couldn't believe it and I'm SO glad that I'm seeing progress.
Stay tuned because I will be writing a LOT more now that the cloth diapers are in our possession and we will be using them very SOON!
Today I learned: Who knew diapers could make me this excited!!!!
Diapers saved today =10 (since last post)
Money saved today = $2.00
Money saved to date = $151.20
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Day 156
We are back to blogging. Sorry about taking the past week off but we have a mover on our hands!!! Annie has started crawling and I am exhausted by the days end.
EC update: Annie continues to poop in her potty daily. She has given up peeing at all times in her potty but we are working on it yet again. Constantly taking two steps forward and one step backward...but I guess that's life for ya!
As the school year draws to a close I can't help but think of all the summer fun Annie is going to have! Her cousins will be around and she will be able to TRY and keep up with them. Of course she'll enjoy watching them play and run and laugh! I can't wait!!!
Oh, I almost forgot the update that many of you have been waiting for....*drum roll* I have ordered most of our cloth diapering system! Yes, you read that right... I actually ordered (most) of it! I'm waiting for my covers to come in the mail then I can wash wash wash and learn how to use this great system. Joe is still skeptical and who wouldn't be with something you're going to reuse. BUT he's willing to learn. I'm excited for this next journey and will try to write daily once Annie is fully clothed (as in transitioning to cloth diapers).
Stay tuned... up until now it's been easy... now the fun stuff starts!
Today I learned: Babies grow up SO fast... missing my cuddle days with Annie but enjoying the crawling stage!!!
Diapers saved today =9 (this week)
Money saved today = $1.80
Money saved to date = $149.20
EC update: Annie continues to poop in her potty daily. She has given up peeing at all times in her potty but we are working on it yet again. Constantly taking two steps forward and one step backward...but I guess that's life for ya!
As the school year draws to a close I can't help but think of all the summer fun Annie is going to have! Her cousins will be around and she will be able to TRY and keep up with them. Of course she'll enjoy watching them play and run and laugh! I can't wait!!!
Oh, I almost forgot the update that many of you have been waiting for....*drum roll* I have ordered most of our cloth diapering system! Yes, you read that right... I actually ordered (most) of it! I'm waiting for my covers to come in the mail then I can wash wash wash and learn how to use this great system. Joe is still skeptical and who wouldn't be with something you're going to reuse. BUT he's willing to learn. I'm excited for this next journey and will try to write daily once Annie is fully clothed (as in transitioning to cloth diapers).
Stay tuned... up until now it's been easy... now the fun stuff starts!
Today I learned: Babies grow up SO fast... missing my cuddle days with Annie but enjoying the crawling stage!!!
Diapers saved today =9 (this week)
Money saved today = $1.80
Money saved to date = $149.20
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Day 147
NO... we have not abandoned EC!!! Quite the contrary, we have actually been so busy practicing EC that I have not had a chance to blog in a few weeks.
I was going to play catch up and back blog... but with all the energy it takes to do that I thought I'd ask for your forgiveness and move forward!
Annie has been doing GREAT GREAT GREAT!!! I can't believe how well she continues to catch on. Each day she usually poops in her potty. I have to say usually because in the past 3 months we've had to change a few (probably about 5) poopy diapers. Annie uses her diaper only when we are gone somewhere OR when she's sleeping. She's surprisingly been better about pooping in public so that is an excellent thing! I have 6 days to order cloth diapers and I am SOOO close to making my decision! I have talked to a few people about cloth and have decided on prefolds (for now). I hear they are a little more work but you get used to them. The benefit of them, the cost is a lot less for start up purposes.
Annie has started moving... ALMOST crawling! It's crazy to me how she is no longer a tiny baby that love to snuggle... nope... she likes to go go go go. Joe and I are VERY busy baby proofing the house and chasing after her. We are getting plenty of exercise, which is a great thing. I definitely miss her 'tiny' days but LOVE how she interacts with us during play time.
Other great news... she LOVES to eat! Much like her parents except she does not care for anything sweet. I must be eating enough sweets for the both of us! Carrots, green beans, peas, squash, and rice cereal are among her favorites. I've been making all her food which also keeps us busy!
I've realized at the end of a long, fun day when Annie is asleep I don't always have the energy to blog and I won't lose sleep over it! (Sorry) But I will be blogging regularly and almost daily... life is too short to miss any of it when Annie is awake! Stay tuned... cloth diaper purchase is fast approaching!
Today I learned: Sometimes that best plan is to make a new plan!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $147.40
I was going to play catch up and back blog... but with all the energy it takes to do that I thought I'd ask for your forgiveness and move forward!
Annie has been doing GREAT GREAT GREAT!!! I can't believe how well she continues to catch on. Each day she usually poops in her potty. I have to say usually because in the past 3 months we've had to change a few (probably about 5) poopy diapers. Annie uses her diaper only when we are gone somewhere OR when she's sleeping. She's surprisingly been better about pooping in public so that is an excellent thing! I have 6 days to order cloth diapers and I am SOOO close to making my decision! I have talked to a few people about cloth and have decided on prefolds (for now). I hear they are a little more work but you get used to them. The benefit of them, the cost is a lot less for start up purposes.
Annie has started moving... ALMOST crawling! It's crazy to me how she is no longer a tiny baby that love to snuggle... nope... she likes to go go go go. Joe and I are VERY busy baby proofing the house and chasing after her. We are getting plenty of exercise, which is a great thing. I definitely miss her 'tiny' days but LOVE how she interacts with us during play time.
Other great news... she LOVES to eat! Much like her parents except she does not care for anything sweet. I must be eating enough sweets for the both of us! Carrots, green beans, peas, squash, and rice cereal are among her favorites. I've been making all her food which also keeps us busy!
I've realized at the end of a long, fun day when Annie is asleep I don't always have the energy to blog and I won't lose sleep over it! (Sorry) But I will be blogging regularly and almost daily... life is too short to miss any of it when Annie is awake! Stay tuned... cloth diaper purchase is fast approaching!
Today I learned: Sometimes that best plan is to make a new plan!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $147.40
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Day 141
Another week to try and get back on schedule.
Today I learned: Everyone has to adjust after vacation... even Annie
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $0.40
Money saved to date = $146.80
Today I learned: Everyone has to adjust after vacation... even Annie
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $0.40
Money saved to date = $146.80
Monday, May 17, 2010
Day 139
We did not give up on EC... although sometimes I wonder why in the world are we doing this?!
Over the weekend we had our first family vacation! YIPEE!!! Joe and I did not change ONE poopy diaper... I repeat we did NOT change a single poopy diaper in 4 days!!! Weekends like this I remember that EC is TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!
We had a blast on vacation!! Annie LOVED swimming and it was very relaxing to be up north with nature! Joe and I had a ton of fun watching cable and hiking with Annie. EC proved to be amazing and we were able to travel with potty and all.
Today I learned: Vacation has a WHOLE new meaning with a baby!!!
Diapers saved today =10
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $146.40
Over the weekend we had our first family vacation! YIPEE!!! Joe and I did not change ONE poopy diaper... I repeat we did NOT change a single poopy diaper in 4 days!!! Weekends like this I remember that EC is TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!
We had a blast on vacation!! Annie LOVED swimming and it was very relaxing to be up north with nature! Joe and I had a ton of fun watching cable and hiking with Annie. EC proved to be amazing and we were able to travel with potty and all.
Today I learned: Vacation has a WHOLE new meaning with a baby!!!
Diapers saved today =10
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $146.40
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Day 135
Today I learned: Life is too busy today to blog!!!
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $0.80
Money saved to date = $145.40
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $0.80
Money saved to date = $145.40
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Day 134
Today I learned: Life is too busy today to blog!!!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $144.60
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $144.60
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Day 133
First time in an outward facing stroller....I was feeling brave. Not much time to blog and nothing new today....check back in a couple days!
Today I learned: Bravery is the simple things, like going out of your comfort zone.
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $144.00
Today I learned: Bravery is the simple things, like going out of your comfort zone.
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $144.00
Monday, May 10, 2010
Day 132
Monday! YEAH! Yes, I know you working folk out there hate that I'm cheering on a Monday. With all the hustle and bustle of the weekend can you blame me? It's nice to know that there's a day that we all get back to our 'normal' routines... isn't it?
For me at least it's comforting to know that when Monday comes around again Annie will try to be back on schedule. My theory held true today. Annie was back on track with EC... we'll see what the week holds in store for us. Stay tuned...
Today I learned: Some people may hate Mondays but I LOVE them... back to a routine and a 'normal' schedule!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $143.40
For me at least it's comforting to know that when Monday comes around again Annie will try to be back on schedule. My theory held true today. Annie was back on track with EC... we'll see what the week holds in store for us. Stay tuned...
Today I learned: Some people may hate Mondays but I LOVE them... back to a routine and a 'normal' schedule!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $143.40
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Day 131
Happy Mothers' Day! Growing up I always dreamed of being a mom. I played with dolls probably until it was socially unacceptable for me to play house any longer. I loved holding babies (as I never had younger siblings). Babysitting was always on the top of my list of favorite things to do (not to mention there was usually pretty good money in it). I always loved kids, their infectious smiles and laughs brought a smile to my face time and time again. Even with all the love of children I never thought, in a million years, that I would have a little girl of my own to love and play real 'house.'
Not until I was a mother myself did I realize the immense love that comes on the day you find out a child will enter your life. Immediately you feel a connection, whether with a tiny baby growing inside of you, or with a picture you hold close to your heart of your baby in another country waiting to meet you, it's an indescribable connection.
Today I was looking at Annie and thinking about all the blessings she has provided me. Of course the obvious... I'm working my dream job and living my dream life by having a family. The little things don't seem to matter anymore. Our house is almost NEVER clean or organized. Projects will forever be on the to-do list. Laundry is always piling higher than the week before. Crazy enough, these things don't matter like they used to. Annie smiles each and every morning when I walk into her room, she has plenty of toys to play with and learn, we sing songs all day, there is food on the table each night, and my husband is by my side when I shut my eyes at the end of the day.
Today I learned: Being a MOM is the BEST job in the WHOLE WORLD!!!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $142.40
Not until I was a mother myself did I realize the immense love that comes on the day you find out a child will enter your life. Immediately you feel a connection, whether with a tiny baby growing inside of you, or with a picture you hold close to your heart of your baby in another country waiting to meet you, it's an indescribable connection.
Today I was looking at Annie and thinking about all the blessings she has provided me. Of course the obvious... I'm working my dream job and living my dream life by having a family. The little things don't seem to matter anymore. Our house is almost NEVER clean or organized. Projects will forever be on the to-do list. Laundry is always piling higher than the week before. Crazy enough, these things don't matter like they used to. Annie smiles each and every morning when I walk into her room, she has plenty of toys to play with and learn, we sing songs all day, there is food on the table each night, and my husband is by my side when I shut my eyes at the end of the day.
Today I learned: Being a MOM is the BEST job in the WHOLE WORLD!!!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $142.40
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Day 130
It's the weekend yet again. Most people are elated that another week has passed, they are able to sleep in, and potentially get some much needed R & R. In my mind I'm thinking oh great, another weekend to get off schedule. The problem isn't the weekend itself, rather all the fun activities we try and cram into the weekend. Weekend means play time with Daddy, extended family, a break from the norm of day to day living. The weekend for Annie means a break from EC... not that we intend for that to happen. It just happens that way. I guess it's natures way of saying Annie needs a break and a couple of days peeing in her diaper won't do her any harm. Or maybe it's natures way of saying mommy needs a break and does not want to stress over schedules. Either way... EC tends to be placed on the back burner every single weekend. I don't know how to get out of the funk... please help!
Today I learned: Strict schedules could be a really good thing... for some people!
Diapers saved today =2
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $141.80
Today I learned: Strict schedules could be a really good thing... for some people!
Diapers saved today =2
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $141.80
Friday, May 7, 2010
Day 129
Realized today that more diaper free time is needed. Annie has become WAY too comfortable in her pampers! In about a month we will be using cloth diapers which I am convinced will help Annie in staying dry. Although I still have to order them...
I guess I'll try more diaper free time next week... or maybe a little this weekend if we are around. Part of the issue is that I have become WAY too comfortable in letting Annie use her pampers...especially when we are out. At times I don't want to explain what we are doing for her or even get the looks that I get when people say "you're what?!" Amazingly EC can make me extremely self conscious. Of course I'm doing this so in about a year I can say I tried my best and __________ was the final result. I suppose time will tell... as for the present... I need to start diaper free time! Stay tuned... this will get interesting!
Today I learned: We have taken a step backward in the world of EC... hopefully that means soon we will be taking 2 steps forward!
Diapers saved today =2
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $141.20
I guess I'll try more diaper free time next week... or maybe a little this weekend if we are around. Part of the issue is that I have become WAY too comfortable in letting Annie use her pampers...especially when we are out. At times I don't want to explain what we are doing for her or even get the looks that I get when people say "you're what?!" Amazingly EC can make me extremely self conscious. Of course I'm doing this so in about a year I can say I tried my best and __________ was the final result. I suppose time will tell... as for the present... I need to start diaper free time! Stay tuned... this will get interesting!
Today I learned: We have taken a step backward in the world of EC... hopefully that means soon we will be taking 2 steps forward!
Diapers saved today =2
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $141.20
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Day 128
After a L O N G day away from Annie yesterday... today was time to get 'reacquainted' and enjoy time with extended family. We went to visit Great-Grandma, Great Aunties, and a Great cousin (but I think technically she's called a second cousin to Annie...). Annie followed theme and was in a GREAT mood. All day she was laughing, cooing and having a ball while being the center of attention. Great Grandma showed Annie how to play the slot machine and win big!
While we were there I was interested in hearing what types of diapers Grandma used with her children (she had 6 of 'em). Cloth diapers were the only thing available, plus the cheapest. Grandma said that she used cloth but her children were not potty trained any earlier. They were 100% potty trained usually by 2-3 years of age. Not any younger than toddlers today. This really got my brain thinking. Is EC the only way to help your child be potty trained before age of 2? I'm not even sure that this will work. Although I'm not a 'die hard' ECer either.... perhaps I should be. Very interesting thought that really, not much has changed in 60 years. It's amazing to me that even 'back then' Grandma got the same 'results' as today's parents of toddlers. I think this calls for more in-depth research... stay tuned...
Today I learned: Gaining knowledge from much more experienced mothers is so enlightening! (especially when it's from your own grandmother)
Diapers saved today =2
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $140.60
While we were there I was interested in hearing what types of diapers Grandma used with her children (she had 6 of 'em). Cloth diapers were the only thing available, plus the cheapest. Grandma said that she used cloth but her children were not potty trained any earlier. They were 100% potty trained usually by 2-3 years of age. Not any younger than toddlers today. This really got my brain thinking. Is EC the only way to help your child be potty trained before age of 2? I'm not even sure that this will work. Although I'm not a 'die hard' ECer either.... perhaps I should be. Very interesting thought that really, not much has changed in 60 years. It's amazing to me that even 'back then' Grandma got the same 'results' as today's parents of toddlers. I think this calls for more in-depth research... stay tuned...
Today I learned: Gaining knowledge from much more experienced mothers is so enlightening! (especially when it's from your own grandmother)
Diapers saved today =2
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $140.60
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Day 127
This morning started out with quite the challenge. First let's start with EARLY morning (around midnight) Annie started crying so logically I thought she was hungry. I guess when I'm half asleep I automatically feed her to make her sleep faster... I need to stop doing that. Anyways... fed Annie and we all slept until 7ish when I had to get ready for work.
I usually change Annie at Nana and Grandpa's but today I decided to get her fully dressed at home, new diaper and all...GOOD THING! She had pooped in her diaper... no biggie... I took her to the potty and she peed. Well she must have pooped on our way to her potty because after I laid her on the changing table I wondered what she was playing with... POOP! OH ICK! Then the REAL clean up began. It was in her hands, feet, close to getting in her hair, and on my shirt! Thank GOD I don't wear nice clothes to work! After about 15 minutes of clean up and lots of laughing (both Annie and I were cracking up) we were ready to face the day!
Needless to say I am thankful poopy diapers do not happen too often. Although I suppose if they happened more, I wouldn't think they were so gross. Hmmm... interesting concept!
Today I learned: They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder.. 'they' never had a child who rarely pooped in her diaper then got to change a poopy mess!
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $0.80
Money saved to date = $140.00
I usually change Annie at Nana and Grandpa's but today I decided to get her fully dressed at home, new diaper and all...GOOD THING! She had pooped in her diaper... no biggie... I took her to the potty and she peed. Well she must have pooped on our way to her potty because after I laid her on the changing table I wondered what she was playing with... POOP! OH ICK! Then the REAL clean up began. It was in her hands, feet, close to getting in her hair, and on my shirt! Thank GOD I don't wear nice clothes to work! After about 15 minutes of clean up and lots of laughing (both Annie and I were cracking up) we were ready to face the day!
Needless to say I am thankful poopy diapers do not happen too often. Although I suppose if they happened more, I wouldn't think they were so gross. Hmmm... interesting concept!
Today I learned: They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder.. 'they' never had a child who rarely pooped in her diaper then got to change a poopy mess!
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $0.80
Money saved to date = $140.00
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Day 126
Another fun filled day in the life of Annie. It's only Tuesday and like everyone else, we are ready for the weekend! Annie has been especially clingy these past few days which makes it tough on me (and Joe). We are hoping for a few Mommy free nights to get her to 'kick the habit' so to speak. Although it is really great to feel so loved (and needed) I guess she needs her space too. Stay tuned for more EC fun sure to come this week...
Today I learned: A baby tells you exactly what you need to hear...without using words!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $139.20
Today I learned: A baby tells you exactly what you need to hear...without using words!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $139.20
Monday, May 3, 2010
Day 125
"If you don't succeed, try, try again." "Practice makes perfect." We've all heard these phrases (and others like them) time and time again. This evening as Joe and I were finishing up dinner and working on some things Annie was signaling to use the potty. Joe took her twice with no success. Dry diaper, nothing in the potty, then five minutes later she signaled again. Once again... dry diaper and nothing in the potty. About ten minutes later Annie signals again and again (almost like a constant alarm clock with no snooze button) I say she needs to use the bathroom, yet Joe says he just took her twice with nothing! SO, up I go to take her for the third time... SUCCESS!!!! I guess even though she signals she may not quite be ready to go... but with persistence Annie was able to use her potty and keep a dry diaper all evening! AMAZING! I certainly learned my lesson today. Now if only I could keep up this great listening so she can be totally diaper free... stay tuned...
Today I learned: If you don't succeed at first, try try again!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $138.60
Today I learned: If you don't succeed at first, try try again!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $138.60
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Day 124
Sunday has come and almost gone. Once again I'm left scratching my head after a great weekend thinking Perhaps I shouldn't try to keep a schedule on the weekends. Maybe for us the best thing would be to schedule a non schedule. Then I think to myself that life is full of non schedules... you can try and prepare everything JUST RIGHT... and then something gets tweaked. So I suppose it's best to roll with the punches.
Tonight I realized that when Annie fusses I don't always listen. I go through everything else before I think of the bathroom. When we first started to use EC with Annie every fuss or cry or whine we jumped up to take her potty. Even though this was a LOT of work... it made sure Annie knew we were listening to her signals. Now when I hear Annie's signal I don't think that it's her signal... weird, yes I know. I really just think why in the world are you whining? Today it hit me like a ton of bricks... I need to pay closer attention to my little girl. Maybe our non schedule days wouldn't matter so much then... no matter what the schedule I would be in tune to her needs and try my best to fulfill them! Wish me luck! Stay tuned...
Today I learned: I need to pay more attention to my daughter and her signals!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $137.60
Tonight I realized that when Annie fusses I don't always listen. I go through everything else before I think of the bathroom. When we first started to use EC with Annie every fuss or cry or whine we jumped up to take her potty. Even though this was a LOT of work... it made sure Annie knew we were listening to her signals. Now when I hear Annie's signal I don't think that it's her signal... weird, yes I know. I really just think why in the world are you whining? Today it hit me like a ton of bricks... I need to pay closer attention to my little girl. Maybe our non schedule days wouldn't matter so much then... no matter what the schedule I would be in tune to her needs and try my best to fulfill them! Wish me luck! Stay tuned...
Today I learned: I need to pay more attention to my daughter and her signals!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $137.60
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Day 123
Today was Annie's first experience at the zoo. Of course we decided that if you have children under 2 (or 3) years of age the zoo is really for parents to get out and walk around with a different scenery other than the mall or neighborhood. Joe and I had fun while Annie stayed snuggled up in her car seat stroller nice and warm. Yes, it was 65 degrees outside but the wind was COLD and maybe if it were warmer I would have tried to show Annie some animals. I was enjoying my walk too much and the conversation of my husband to interrupt it with a baby who could become crabby from the cold. Did you know that at the zoo their bathrooms are few and far between? For a place that has children crawling all over, there are points where you need to walk a long way to find a restroom. Needless to say we were horrible parents and let Annie use her diaper. Now most people wouldn't say they are 'horrible parents' when they let their 6 month old eliminate in his/her diaper, but when we're trying to EC and get her used to the potty... that makes us pretty bad. (In a good way though...)
Annie ended up pooping in her diaper which was about the 2nd time in the past 2 months. Let me tell you that each time it happens I'm reminded how wonderful EC is and how great it is that Annie is catching onto this whole potty thing. Once again... our weekend is all off schedule. I guess we'll try harder tomorrow!
Today I learned: The zoo really isn't for kids... it's a great place for parents to walk with an ever changing scenery.
Diapers saved today =2
Money saved today = $0.40
Money saved to date = $137.00
Annie ended up pooping in her diaper which was about the 2nd time in the past 2 months. Let me tell you that each time it happens I'm reminded how wonderful EC is and how great it is that Annie is catching onto this whole potty thing. Once again... our weekend is all off schedule. I guess we'll try harder tomorrow!
Today I learned: The zoo really isn't for kids... it's a great place for parents to walk with an ever changing scenery.
Diapers saved today =2
Money saved today = $0.40
Money saved to date = $137.00
Friday, April 30, 2010
Day 122
As we prepare for the weekend I am determined (yet again) to make the most of the two days we have and try to stay on schedule. Perhaps this will work out this weekend... but then again maybe not. Stay tuned...
Today I learned: With the weekend approaching I need to be prepared to keep a schedule and prepared when the schedule turns out not to be our regular schedule!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $136.60
Today I learned: With the weekend approaching I need to be prepared to keep a schedule and prepared when the schedule turns out not to be our regular schedule!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $136.60
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Day 121
I often wonder what Annie is thinking throughout the day... does she have thoughts like a grown up or does she think in syllables like goo, ga, ba, ma.. etc? I'm assuming the later but could be completely wrong. Tonight as she was playing I was in awe how she looks at each toy so intently and tries to figure out different thing to do with it. For instance she looks at a toy letter (the mail kind) and turns her wrist to check it out in all directions, then she'll bang it against her toy mail box to see if that makes anything happen. There are times something happens because the mail box falls over and starts to sing, and other times she hits it just right so the mail box stays upright and doesn't make a sound.
After watching this process for a good 5 minutes I couldn't help but wonder if Annie and her mail box are similar to EC and me. There are times when I 'examine' Annie's signals and take her to the bathroom for nothing to happen except her smile and kick her tiny legs. Other times I hear her signal and take her to the bathroom for her to eliminate in all forms. But depending on the day, time and situation I get a different outcome. Somehow I need to figure out how to tell Annie's certain signal to get the outcome of elimination...Stay tuned and wish me luck!
Today I learned: It's fun to try and decode Annie's thoughts!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $136.00
After watching this process for a good 5 minutes I couldn't help but wonder if Annie and her mail box are similar to EC and me. There are times when I 'examine' Annie's signals and take her to the bathroom for nothing to happen except her smile and kick her tiny legs. Other times I hear her signal and take her to the bathroom for her to eliminate in all forms. But depending on the day, time and situation I get a different outcome. Somehow I need to figure out how to tell Annie's certain signal to get the outcome of elimination...Stay tuned and wish me luck!
Today I learned: It's fun to try and decode Annie's thoughts!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $136.00
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Day 120
Besides on Sunday, which I'm convinced was a fluke, Annie has yet to poop in her diaper for 6 weeks. Most people wouldn't believe me if they weren't keeping up with my crazy EC tactics... but yes it's amazing! Annie really does not like going in her diaper. She will try and 'hold' it for as long as possible until Joe or I take her to the potty. I'm hoping this isn't just a phase and her being 'poop trained' is the real deal. Wouldn't that be amazing?! To say that our daughter was poop trained by the age of 6 months with accidents few and far between... I could get used to that idea!
Stay tuned..
Today I learned: Even the smelliest things can be of GREAT excitement!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $135.00
Stay tuned..
Today I learned: Even the smelliest things can be of GREAT excitement!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $135.00
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Day 119
The week is off to a great start...Annie continues to signal very well this week. I guess maybe because I'm so determined? Who knows...
Tonight I went out for a few hours with MOMS club. It was so nice to get away and I realized that life continues to go on when I'm gone. Yes, I knew this but you always think that things can't (or more accurately won't) get done when Mom is gone. Well to my great surprise they got done, Annie did great and Joe was the amazing wonder Dad! Although I was only gone a few hours and I'm gone longer than that when I'm at work, it was Daddy's first night time with Annie. She ate, she peed, and they were both wiped out when I got home. I guess this goes to prove... the show does go one when I'm away. They don't need me like I thought they did...but I know they both want me around! :)
Today I learned: Even when I'm away... life goes on.
Diapers saved today =6
Money saved today = $1.20
Money saved to date = $134.40
Tonight I went out for a few hours with MOMS club. It was so nice to get away and I realized that life continues to go on when I'm gone. Yes, I knew this but you always think that things can't (or more accurately won't) get done when Mom is gone. Well to my great surprise they got done, Annie did great and Joe was the amazing wonder Dad! Although I was only gone a few hours and I'm gone longer than that when I'm at work, it was Daddy's first night time with Annie. She ate, she peed, and they were both wiped out when I got home. I guess this goes to prove... the show does go one when I'm away. They don't need me like I thought they did...but I know they both want me around! :)
Today I learned: Even when I'm away... life goes on.
Diapers saved today =6
Money saved today = $1.20
Money saved to date = $134.40
Monday, April 26, 2010
Day 118
A new week has begun. With new beginnings we have new thoughts as Annie progresses in her EC adventure. Of course I'm on the ever constant 'look out' for the 'perfect' cloth diaper and now that it's getting closer to my 'deadline' I'm wondering if there is such a thing. Do you really think a perfect cloth diaper exists? I mean there are many types of disposables and not one of them seems 'perfect.' After researching cloth diapers I'm finding there are many types of those too... but the question remains: Is there one perfect cloth diaper out there?
Today I learned: Each person's perfect is different... yet still perfect!
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $0.80
Money saved to date = $133.20
Today I learned: Each person's perfect is different... yet still perfect!
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $0.80
Money saved to date = $133.20
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Day 117
Well here we are with the weekend almost complete and yet again still trying to cram a couple more days of fun into about 5 hours. Annie was able to spend a lot of time with Grandma and Grandpa this weekend which was really fun! She began holding her own bottle (which amazes me because she only takes a bottle once a week). Oh and she started to go from sitting (alone) to moving to her belly. Very scary considering we have yet to 'baby proof' the house.
As far as EC, today we were in the comfort of our own home so Annie did fairly well. Of course there are moments when I was not listening. She pooped in her diaper which was the first poopy diaper we had to change in 5 weeks or more. So I guess next time I'll try and listen a little better. All in all a great weekend full of fun! Now to start the week off right... we'll see how that goes! Stay tuned..
Today I learned: Sundays are fun days!!!! YEAH!!!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $132.40
As far as EC, today we were in the comfort of our own home so Annie did fairly well. Of course there are moments when I was not listening. She pooped in her diaper which was the first poopy diaper we had to change in 5 weeks or more. So I guess next time I'll try and listen a little better. All in all a great weekend full of fun! Now to start the week off right... we'll see how that goes! Stay tuned..
Today I learned: Sundays are fun days!!!! YEAH!!!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $132.40
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Day 116
Once again we struggle with the weekend schedule. Or should I say lack of schedule. I don't know about you, but for us it's very difficult to keep a schedule on Saturdays and Sundays. VERY DIFFICULT! Everything is different on the weekend. Dad's home, Mom works, meals are sporadic, we have lots of visitors... etc. Plus all the usual things that would normally take 3 weeks to complete we all try to shove into 2 days because after all... it's the weekend.
We try to get on schedule tomorrow... wish us luck!
Today I learned: It's hard to keep a schedule... even when you stay home!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $131.40
We try to get on schedule tomorrow... wish us luck!
Today I learned: It's hard to keep a schedule... even when you stay home!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $131.40
Friday, April 23, 2010
Day 115
Four things babies want: eliminate, eat, play, sleep....I think that about covers it. Annie seems to want these things in a certain order or at a certain time of day. It amazes me that she knows what she wants and then whines/fusses her way to getting it. I guess the even more amazing part is that I can tell which fuss/cry is for what item. I can tell when she'll nurse and when she'll eat solid foods, or even what toy she is frustrated with and which she wants to play with next. I guess that's why parents are so important... we need to figure things out for our babies.
This morning Annie had a slow start to the day with EC, but once she was reminded of how great EC was and how awesome having a dry diaper is... it was smooth sailing! YEAH! A little fuss to let me know she had to go and that was all it took. So now when she cries I can tell... actually her signal is no longer a cry until it's too late. She signals in a 'mmmmmama' type tone and then cries if she already has dirtied her diaper. Amazing how these little people communicate. If only we all communicated that well and never assumed others knew what we wanted. Now wouldn't life be easier?!
Today I learned: Decoding cries may be easier than I once thought...although it takes a LOT of concentration!
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $0.80
Money saved to date = $130.80
This morning Annie had a slow start to the day with EC, but once she was reminded of how great EC was and how awesome having a dry diaper is... it was smooth sailing! YEAH! A little fuss to let me know she had to go and that was all it took. So now when she cries I can tell... actually her signal is no longer a cry until it's too late. She signals in a 'mmmmmama' type tone and then cries if she already has dirtied her diaper. Amazing how these little people communicate. If only we all communicated that well and never assumed others knew what we wanted. Now wouldn't life be easier?!
Today I learned: Decoding cries may be easier than I once thought...although it takes a LOT of concentration!
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $0.80
Money saved to date = $130.80
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Day 114
We have finally left a real Annie potty at Nana and Grandpa's house for her to use while I'm away working. The cool whip container is no longer making the cut so we decided to leave one of our potty chairs for Annie to use. One day of Annie trying it and she seems to be more apt to go. Although I don't know that for a fact because she didn't actually eliminate on the potty at her Grandparent's house. So...I don't know what to think. There could be many reasons why she doesn't practice EC as 'religiously' when she's with other people. One main reason could be that I'm not there, another could be that she usually doesn't have her potty with her, and even another reason could amount to the simple fact that she is no longer in the comfort of her own home to go to the bathroom. We're trying to break her of all of these habits so she can feel comfortable using the bathroom elsewhere but I'm not so sure this will be an easy task. Perhaps with cloth diapers we will have more success. Stay tuned...
Today I learned: Perhaps Annie needs the comfort of home to accomplish EC.
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $130.00
Today I learned: Perhaps Annie needs the comfort of home to accomplish EC.
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $130.00
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Day 113
I am officially narrowing down cloth diaper choices. Of course the endless debate could go on and on... and in my case it very well may go on for a while yet. There is a deadline for me though, I promised Annie she would have proof of a cloth diaper order by May 31st. Yes, that's a little over a month away and I need to have a decision made. I am leaning closer and closer to a choice each day and with any luck I will have my decision made before the 31st. If only there was one type to choose from, then my job would be easier! Stay tuned...
Today I learned: There are too many choices in life... why can't we have one choice and make things simple?
Diapers saved today =2
Money saved today = $0.40
Money saved to date = $129.40
Today I learned: There are too many choices in life... why can't we have one choice and make things simple?
Diapers saved today =2
Money saved today = $0.40
Money saved to date = $129.40
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Day 112
When you think you've experienced all the firsts possible for one month... think again. Annie's first trip to Wayzata today to see her Daddy's office and have lunch! Boy was she excited!! All during lunch she sat on her Daddy's lap and smiled. Why is it she never does this for me? Seriously she is always so squirmy but she wanted her Daddy to know how much she misses him during the day. SO... he got the best of Annie today! YEAH!!! It was amazing to see her happy and holding on to his shirt as if to say 'please hold me tight and hug me... I miss you.' It was a great afternoon.
Annie is continuing to go strong with her EC habits... especially today. I'll take it! Stay tuned for more fun...
Today I learned: Annie is up for anything... even signaling to use the potty!
Diapers saved today =6
Money saved today = $1.20
Money saved to date = $129.00
Annie is continuing to go strong with her EC habits... especially today. I'll take it! Stay tuned for more fun...
Today I learned: Annie is up for anything... even signaling to use the potty!
Diapers saved today =6
Money saved today = $1.20
Money saved to date = $129.00
Monday, April 19, 2010
Day 111
Wow... just typing day 111 this evening really make me realize that we've been at this a LONG time. I don't know why it seems like 111 is so much longer than 100. But I guess that's the mood I'm in. Perhaps I was thinking about it all being the same number and that there are three spaces for numbers these days. WOW... HAPPY MONDAY! The excitement of my life has me pondering numbers and spaces. You'll be happy to know thanks to Fisher Price (TM) I've now mastered my 1,2,3s and ABCs yup... I can sing along with all Annie's toys. Even when they aren't on I catch myself humming "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10... count along while you take pics then let's count again." How exciting to know that I can learn new things staying at home!!!
I am also learning that the search for cloth diapers is way more daunting then ever imagined!
Today I learned: I am learning new things everyday... like how Annie's brain loves to figure all her toys out!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $127.80
I am also learning that the search for cloth diapers is way more daunting then ever imagined!
Today I learned: I am learning new things everyday... like how Annie's brain loves to figure all her toys out!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $127.80
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Day 110
Sundays always seem to be full of fun! Out in the yard today getting a head start on our spring pruning. Annie even helped! Even though it was a "day of rest" we were hard at work trying to get ahead. Annie was hard at work trying to signal to us that she needed to go potty. It worked at times but after all it was the weekend. So... we try again tomorrow.
Today I learned: Even on Days of Rest we try to get ready to enjoy the next season... or get ahead on EC.
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $0.80
Money saved to date = $127.20
Today I learned: Even on Days of Rest we try to get ready to enjoy the next season... or get ahead on EC.
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $0.80
Money saved to date = $127.20
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Day 108 and Day 109
Day 109
What a Poopy Saturday...literally. The weather was BEAUTIFUL and Annie finally was able to go to the bathroom. It's almost like she wait until she can't possibly hold it anymore. Sometimes it makes me wonder if she's afraid to go in her diaper. I guess after a month of no poops in her diaper she may have forgotten that she can go in her diaper if absolutely necessary. Who knows... I guess that's my hope that Annie is so accustomed to using her cute potty that she doesn't want to mess up her pants. I suppose time will tell.
6 month Well visit today showed she is growing great and nothing to worry about. Annie still is taking after her Grandpa and Uncle by ranking 92% in head circumference, as far as height she's catching up at 60% and she's leaning out a bit at 40% in weight. It's amazing what a couple months can do for her! Annie did great with her shots... didn't cry for the first two but the third one she struggled for about 3 minutes. AMAZING that she forgets it all. I wish I could forget the nurse poking my little peanut and that horrible face that screamed out "help me mommy." AWFUL! I know it's for a great reason, but too bad they couldn't be painless.
Anyway... still in research of the perfect cloth diaper. I've gotten a few e-mails from people who use them and they've given me tips. Hoping by end of May Annie has the softness of cloth on her bum.... stay tuned!
Today I learned: Even the littlest of children can get afraid of pooping in an unknown territory!
Diapers saved today =7
Money saved today = $1.40
Money saved to date = $126.40
Day 108
Finally feeling a little better today. Annie woke up and was able to use her potty right away. A GREAT start to a not so great week. So after a little while she ate breakfast and these days she is LOVING her solid food. She tries to put the spoon in her mouth before there is anything on it. Quite entertaining around here at meal time. Lately I've been making what I think to be WAY too much food for her at all her meal... but to my surprise she gobbles it up without a second thought. Then, she wants more... I guess she's just like her parents... loves to eat! Throughout the day she did pretty well with everything. Hasn't pooped in three days...but we have a well visit in the morning so I'm not too worried. She'll probably have a blow out at the doctors... that would make life even more entertaining!
Today I learned: Fridays are great days to start anew!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $125.00
What a Poopy Saturday...literally. The weather was BEAUTIFUL and Annie finally was able to go to the bathroom. It's almost like she wait until she can't possibly hold it anymore. Sometimes it makes me wonder if she's afraid to go in her diaper. I guess after a month of no poops in her diaper she may have forgotten that she can go in her diaper if absolutely necessary. Who knows... I guess that's my hope that Annie is so accustomed to using her cute potty that she doesn't want to mess up her pants. I suppose time will tell.
6 month Well visit today showed she is growing great and nothing to worry about. Annie still is taking after her Grandpa and Uncle by ranking 92% in head circumference, as far as height she's catching up at 60% and she's leaning out a bit at 40% in weight. It's amazing what a couple months can do for her! Annie did great with her shots... didn't cry for the first two but the third one she struggled for about 3 minutes. AMAZING that she forgets it all. I wish I could forget the nurse poking my little peanut and that horrible face that screamed out "help me mommy." AWFUL! I know it's for a great reason, but too bad they couldn't be painless.
Anyway... still in research of the perfect cloth diaper. I've gotten a few e-mails from people who use them and they've given me tips. Hoping by end of May Annie has the softness of cloth on her bum.... stay tuned!
Today I learned: Even the littlest of children can get afraid of pooping in an unknown territory!
Diapers saved today =7
Money saved today = $1.40
Money saved to date = $126.40
Day 108
Finally feeling a little better today. Annie woke up and was able to use her potty right away. A GREAT start to a not so great week. So after a little while she ate breakfast and these days she is LOVING her solid food. She tries to put the spoon in her mouth before there is anything on it. Quite entertaining around here at meal time. Lately I've been making what I think to be WAY too much food for her at all her meal... but to my surprise she gobbles it up without a second thought. Then, she wants more... I guess she's just like her parents... loves to eat! Throughout the day she did pretty well with everything. Hasn't pooped in three days...but we have a well visit in the morning so I'm not too worried. She'll probably have a blow out at the doctors... that would make life even more entertaining!
Today I learned: Fridays are great days to start anew!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $125.00
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Day 107
Recovering from illness... hoping I didn't share with the rest of the family. Time will tell. Slowly getting my energy back and by tomorrow I should be focused on EC again! Stay tuned...
Today I learned: It's amazing what a little sunshine can do to your mood!
Diapers saved today =2
Money saved today = $0.40
Money saved to date = $124.00
Today I learned: It's amazing what a little sunshine can do to your mood!
Diapers saved today =2
Money saved today = $0.40
Money saved to date = $124.00
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Day 106
"Mommy's sick today... I spent the day with Nana and Grandpa. It was tons of fun! At least Mommy was able to get some rest...for a while! I sure hope I stay healthy... I hear the weather is supposed to be amazing this weekend. Wouldn't want to miss out on the fun! Stay tuned..."
Today I learned: Hard to stay on track when your main helper is sick!
Diapers saved today =2
Money saved today = $0.40
Money saved to date = $123.60
Today I learned: Hard to stay on track when your main helper is sick!
Diapers saved today =2
Money saved today = $0.40
Money saved to date = $123.60
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Day 105
Still trying to get into a rhythm. It's tough after a weekend of FUN and not the typical days. I can't imagine how it will be when Annie's older. I guess then she'll have to sit on a big potty and wear underwear so our potty schedule/routine won't be thrown off. I'm still researching cloth diapers... SO much to know. If you have any tips feel free to help me out! Stay tuned... this week will be filled with catch up and trying to get back to EC!
Today I learned: Still trying to get back in the groove of's tough!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $123.20
Today I learned: Still trying to get back in the groove of's tough!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $123.20
Monday, April 12, 2010
Day 104
The TOP 20 reasons we LOVE EC are....
81. Have you ever seen a tiny person sit on a potty...
82. It is SO cute!
83. Can we say pictures for her senior poster?!
84. Annie gets to explore parts of the house that she normally wouldn't be able to
85. It's fun to see Mom in the mirror
86. People still can't believe it's true
87. Even if this doesn't work we have a REALLY good story to share someday
88. The search for the perfect potty was fun!
89. Search for cloth diapers continues
90. Meeting new people who love our blog!
91. Finding out new tricks with EC from the Internet
92. Seeing Annie's excitement when she pees on the potty
93. Annie's HUGE grin after she poops on the potty... she doesn't smile if she goes in her diaper
94. Hearing her signal...
95. Figuring out what her signal is
96. Spending more 'together' holding time
97. Seeing Mommy and Daddy so proud at every attempt
98. and success!
99. Flushing it right down the toilet... bye bye mess! No icky clean up!
Today I learned: Trying hard... after a long weekend we're ready for the calmness of the week!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $122.60
81. Have you ever seen a tiny person sit on a potty...
82. It is SO cute!
83. Can we say pictures for her senior poster?!
84. Annie gets to explore parts of the house that she normally wouldn't be able to
85. It's fun to see Mom in the mirror
86. People still can't believe it's true
87. Even if this doesn't work we have a REALLY good story to share someday
88. The search for the perfect potty was fun!
89. Search for cloth diapers continues
90. Meeting new people who love our blog!
91. Finding out new tricks with EC from the Internet
92. Seeing Annie's excitement when she pees on the potty
93. Annie's HUGE grin after she poops on the potty... she doesn't smile if she goes in her diaper
94. Hearing her signal...
95. Figuring out what her signal is
96. Spending more 'together' holding time
97. Seeing Mommy and Daddy so proud at every attempt
98. and success!
99. Flushing it right down the toilet... bye bye mess! No icky clean up!
Today I learned: Trying hard... after a long weekend we're ready for the calmness of the week!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $122.60
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Day 102 & Day 103
"I was Celebrating Nana's birthday yesterday until wee hours in the morning... so my mom has to combine two posts because there was just too much partying going on to blog! So here are the next 40 reasons we love EC"
Day 102:
41. Life is more exciting with an ECer in the house
42. What would I talk about on my blog if not for EC
43. Cue words are the BEST
44. Made up songs using the cue words are even BETTER
45. Each day is a new beginning with EC
46. It's funny to me how much Annie understands
47. what fun would it be to be like every other baby?
48. We don't have to decide who has to change the next diaper
49. We get to decide who gets to take Annie to the potty next
50. Anyone can do EC... with a little practice
51. Practice makes perfect...
52. ... or helps us understand why we aren't made to be perfect
53. It's fun to know that people actually follow my blog
54. I'm learning all these new things on the Internet...
55. Such as blogging
56. My eyes have opened up to the world of 'green'
57. Going green without even trying!
58. Can anyone say BONDING TIME?!
59. Annie gets to see herself in the mirror MANY times throughout the day
60. Disposable diapers are expensive and we use LESS!
Today I learned: Even with all the commotion Annie still tries so hard to use her potty
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $121.20
Day 103:
61. I love that it's OKAY to write about my child's elimination habits
62. Ever wondered if you could get your kiddo to poop on the potty...
63. YOU CAN!
64. It's fun to see people's jaws drop as we tell them that we are potty training our 6 month old
65. Our 6 month old can use the potty...that's more than some people can say for their 2 year old
66. Annie will forever be leery about cool whip ;)
67. Ahh the stories I can tell to her boyfriends... when she's 30!
68. A new adventure DAILY
69. Even when we have a tough EC day... there's tomorrow
70. Trying to find underwear below size 2T is a scavenger hunt!
71. Finding a diaper that you can take on/off many times and have it still hold was interesting
72. We are trying something that NO one we know has done...WOW
73. Interesting to really look at it from an outside perspective
74. I never will look at Annie again and say "I think she's pooping"
75. I get to take her to the toilet RIGHT away whenever she is about to go to the bathroom!
76. EC NEVER gets boring!
77. Did I mention it's easier to wipe a bottom than change a diaper?
78. Less mess!
79. New things daily!
80. I now know how to tell if a diaper is wet by weight alone!
Today I learned: After a LATE night... Annie still tries her best to signal. That's progress!
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $0.80
Money saved to date = $122.00
Day 102:
41. Life is more exciting with an ECer in the house
42. What would I talk about on my blog if not for EC
43. Cue words are the BEST
44. Made up songs using the cue words are even BETTER
45. Each day is a new beginning with EC
46. It's funny to me how much Annie understands
47. what fun would it be to be like every other baby?
48. We don't have to decide who has to change the next diaper
49. We get to decide who gets to take Annie to the potty next
50. Anyone can do EC... with a little practice
51. Practice makes perfect...
52. ... or helps us understand why we aren't made to be perfect
53. It's fun to know that people actually follow my blog
54. I'm learning all these new things on the Internet...
55. Such as blogging
56. My eyes have opened up to the world of 'green'
57. Going green without even trying!
58. Can anyone say BONDING TIME?!
59. Annie gets to see herself in the mirror MANY times throughout the day
60. Disposable diapers are expensive and we use LESS!
Today I learned: Even with all the commotion Annie still tries so hard to use her potty
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $121.20
Day 103:
61. I love that it's OKAY to write about my child's elimination habits
62. Ever wondered if you could get your kiddo to poop on the potty...
63. YOU CAN!
64. It's fun to see people's jaws drop as we tell them that we are potty training our 6 month old
65. Our 6 month old can use the potty...that's more than some people can say for their 2 year old
66. Annie will forever be leery about cool whip ;)
67. Ahh the stories I can tell to her boyfriends... when she's 30!
68. A new adventure DAILY
69. Even when we have a tough EC day... there's tomorrow
70. Trying to find underwear below size 2T is a scavenger hunt!
71. Finding a diaper that you can take on/off many times and have it still hold was interesting
72. We are trying something that NO one we know has done...WOW
73. Interesting to really look at it from an outside perspective
74. I never will look at Annie again and say "I think she's pooping"
75. I get to take her to the toilet RIGHT away whenever she is about to go to the bathroom!
76. EC NEVER gets boring!
77. Did I mention it's easier to wipe a bottom than change a diaper?
78. Less mess!
79. New things daily!
80. I now know how to tell if a diaper is wet by weight alone!
Today I learned: After a LATE night... Annie still tries her best to signal. That's progress!
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $0.80
Money saved to date = $122.00
Friday, April 9, 2010
Day 101
Reasons 21-40 why we love EC
21. It has opened up so many avenues to explore
22. We are doing things we never thought possible
23. Annie loves to show off
24. We love showing off Annie's talents
25. It's fun to see where this journey will take us
26. I have to do math each day to figure out how much money we saved
27. Frugality at it's finest!
28. Did I mention I haven't changed a poopy diaper in 3 weeks?!
29. We are able to see how quickly Annie catches on to new things
30. I get 10 minutes of quite time just to blog EVERY night
31. I am learning all about the wonderful types of potty chairs that are out there
32. I'm beginning to do more research on cloth diapers... we'll see where that one takes me
33. Our friends now have a REAL reason to think we are crazy!
34. Anyone can EC and I'll recommend it to EVERYONE
35. The whole concept makes me giggle
36. very little diaper rash
37. Anywhere I can go to the bathroom so can Annie
38. I don't have to worry about packing as many diapers as 102 days ago
39.We may be 2 years ahead of all Annie's little friends
40. Ever done the potty dance... now that's FUN!
Today I learned: Annie still is loving EC... although each day has it's moments!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $120.20
21. It has opened up so many avenues to explore
22. We are doing things we never thought possible
23. Annie loves to show off
24. We love showing off Annie's talents
25. It's fun to see where this journey will take us
26. I have to do math each day to figure out how much money we saved
27. Frugality at it's finest!
28. Did I mention I haven't changed a poopy diaper in 3 weeks?!
29. We are able to see how quickly Annie catches on to new things
30. I get 10 minutes of quite time just to blog EVERY night
31. I am learning all about the wonderful types of potty chairs that are out there
32. I'm beginning to do more research on cloth diapers... we'll see where that one takes me
33. Our friends now have a REAL reason to think we are crazy!
34. Anyone can EC and I'll recommend it to EVERYONE
35. The whole concept makes me giggle
36. very little diaper rash
37. Anywhere I can go to the bathroom so can Annie
38. I don't have to worry about packing as many diapers as 102 days ago
39.We may be 2 years ahead of all Annie's little friends
40. Ever done the potty dance... now that's FUN!
Today I learned: Annie still is loving EC... although each day has it's moments!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $120.20
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Day 100
100 days of EC!!! WOW.... to celebrate I have compiled a list of 100 reasons we love Elimination Communication which I will post over the next five days. Let's face it... no one has time to read 100 reasons at one sitting!
1. I get to write a blog daily
2. You all get to read my lovely ramblings daily
3. EC is a great story for friends to laugh at
4. Even if it doesn't work at least Annie will have an awesome story to tell
5. We are learning how to be more in tuned to her every need
6. Annie stays dry longer
7. Less Diapers
8. Less Wipes
9. More money in our pockets!
10. Seeing your baby sit on a tiny potty is just so darn cute
11. Learning new lingo
12. Introducing our friends to new ideas
13. Learning new things each day
14. Who knew there were thousands of websites on potty training? Now we know!
15. Joe is able to bond with Annie
16. We love to save the earth! ;)
17. Very few poopy diapers to change
18. Coming up with cue words was a blast (kinda like coming up with great baby names)
19. Laughing at the strange looks we get from strangers
20. It's so fun to laugh at the thought we are potty training our baby!
Stay tuned for the reasons 21-40...
Today I learned: So many great reasons to LOVE EC!!!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $119.60
1. I get to write a blog daily
2. You all get to read my lovely ramblings daily
3. EC is a great story for friends to laugh at
4. Even if it doesn't work at least Annie will have an awesome story to tell
5. We are learning how to be more in tuned to her every need
6. Annie stays dry longer
7. Less Diapers
8. Less Wipes
9. More money in our pockets!
10. Seeing your baby sit on a tiny potty is just so darn cute
11. Learning new lingo
12. Introducing our friends to new ideas
13. Learning new things each day
14. Who knew there were thousands of websites on potty training? Now we know!
15. Joe is able to bond with Annie
16. We love to save the earth! ;)
17. Very few poopy diapers to change
18. Coming up with cue words was a blast (kinda like coming up with great baby names)
19. Laughing at the strange looks we get from strangers
20. It's so fun to laugh at the thought we are potty training our baby!
Stay tuned for the reasons 21-40...
Today I learned: So many great reasons to LOVE EC!!!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $119.60
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Day 99
Kids will be kids even at nearly six months old. Annie has learned that the bathroom has new 'toys' and when she uses her potty she attempts to play with all of these wonderful 'toys.' It's so entertaining for her to see her try and play with the soap dispenser, mirror and even Daddy's razor. She love sitting on her 'throne' and smiling while trying to bang on the sides to make noise. Yup... that's our daughter. Always looking for some cheap entertainment. As long as she still sits on the potty... I have no problem with a little exploration.
Today I learned: Annie is beginning to show her personality... and I'm LOVING it!
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $0.80
Money saved to date = $118.60
Today I learned: Annie is beginning to show her personality... and I'm LOVING it!
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $0.80
Money saved to date = $118.60
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Day 98
Annie continues to signal very clearly and when we don't listen to her she continues to signal louder until she gives up or we realize what is going on. It's about 40/60 on those odds. Sometimes we are busy and I can't keep up with it all. But then again I know that's not a good excuse. SO as always... better luck tomorrow!
Today I learned: I need to be less distracted and more in tune to Annie's signals.
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $117.80
Today I learned: I need to be less distracted and more in tune to Annie's signals.
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $117.80
Monday, April 5, 2010
Day 97
After two days of no poop I was expecting a blow out. Thankfully Annie loves her potty too much to dirty a diaper on such a big mess. YIPPEE... YEAH FOR EC! Needless to say, no blow out and a happy baby. WE all know that Happy Baby = Happy Mommy!
Keeping Annie on a 'schedule' is very difficult for us. She eats on demand which I love, yet then her eating/sleeping/peeing/pooping schedule is NEVER the same. So today after two days of no BM I realized that I can't be waiting for a schedule to magically appear. Nope... I decided that we have a great schedule. We listen to Annie's needs and follow as necessary! Sounds like a great plan to me! What could be better than listening to your child and answering her every call for you....I would say nothing is better than that!
Today I learned: Sometimes it is best to throw the schedule out the window and follow your intuition!
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $0.80
Money saved to date = $116.80
Keeping Annie on a 'schedule' is very difficult for us. She eats on demand which I love, yet then her eating/sleeping/peeing/pooping schedule is NEVER the same. So today after two days of no BM I realized that I can't be waiting for a schedule to magically appear. Nope... I decided that we have a great schedule. We listen to Annie's needs and follow as necessary! Sounds like a great plan to me! What could be better than listening to your child and answering her every call for you....I would say nothing is better than that!
Today I learned: Sometimes it is best to throw the schedule out the window and follow your intuition!
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $0.80
Money saved to date = $116.80
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Day 96
Happy Easter to you all! Our house was hopping with excitement this afternoon as we celebrated the day with family. Amazing how Annie still signals so well with so many people oohing and ahhing over her. Maybe that's why she uses her voice to signal! AHA... to show off. Well, at least it's still working! Stay tuned...
Today I learned: Even with a house full of people, Annie still signals pretty well!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $116.00
Today I learned: Even with a house full of people, Annie still signals pretty well!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $116.00
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Day 95
"My mom worked today and boy did I have a great day with Daddy. Yup... we played all day long and then when it was time to do something else we played some more. WONDERFUL! I love days like this. It's a great change of pace to have Daddy home all day instead of Mommy. The best part was that he read my signals just like Mommy. Actually maybe a little better than she does (don't tell her though). I was extra happy and really good for Daddy which made him want to have Father-Daughter time more often. I hear it's the best to go out on 'dates' and have special time just with Daddy... and now I fully 100% agree.
As for the EC, it is going great! My mom keeps talking about these cloth diapers but I have a feeling it's going to be another potty deal. Maybe in two months she'll finally break down and buy some. We'll see I guess.
Tomorrow is Easter, my first Easter out of my Mommy's belly. I'm excited to see what the Easter bunny brings for me... maybe he'll listen and bring some new cloth diapers. I mean I can't have candy so that's the next best thing right?! I'll keep you posted. As for now I'll try and signal so Mom and Dad can have a relaxing Easter without a lot of diapers to change!"
Happy Easter Everyone!
Today I learned: Daddy time is the BEST!
Diapers saved today =7
Money saved today = $1.40
Money saved to date = $115.00
As for the EC, it is going great! My mom keeps talking about these cloth diapers but I have a feeling it's going to be another potty deal. Maybe in two months she'll finally break down and buy some. We'll see I guess.
Tomorrow is Easter, my first Easter out of my Mommy's belly. I'm excited to see what the Easter bunny brings for me... maybe he'll listen and bring some new cloth diapers. I mean I can't have candy so that's the next best thing right?! I'll keep you posted. As for now I'll try and signal so Mom and Dad can have a relaxing Easter without a lot of diapers to change!"
Happy Easter Everyone!
Today I learned: Daddy time is the BEST!
Diapers saved today =7
Money saved today = $1.40
Money saved to date = $115.00
Friday, April 2, 2010
Day 94
Easter is right around the corner and today we are counting our many blessings. I can't help but still be so thankful that Anne is using her potty to poop... and pee for that matter. Today she only missed once and that was during her nap time. I truly believe that cloth diapers are in our future. Especially if she continues to only pee in her diaper... how easy will that be?! WONDERFUL! Then we'll really be saving a TON of money. I'm still looking for a great brand. If you know of any please comment on this blog and let me know. I would love the help when searching out some for Annie as she moves up in the next size of diapers. Stay tuned...
Today I learned: Annie can finish out the work week on a GREAT note!
Diapers saved today =6
Money saved today = $1.20
Money saved to date = $113.60
Today I learned: Annie can finish out the work week on a GREAT note!
Diapers saved today =6
Money saved today = $1.20
Money saved to date = $113.60
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Day 93
Today I am more grateful than ever that Annie is using EC. She started on rice cereal about a month ago now and her system has changed. To be more specific she is having bigger poops and they are smelly. (too much information I know) BUT the great news is that she hates to use her diaper to poop... so therefore she uses her potty and it's less clean up for me! YEAH! Amazing how the little things get so exciting! Stay tuned...
Today I learned: Life is great with an EC-ing baby!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $112.40
Today I learned: Life is great with an EC-ing baby!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $112.40
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Day 92
Middle of the week seems difficult for us all... especially with the last day of March being in the 70s. It's amazing that anyone got any work done at all today. But the world keeps running as usual, even when the weather is to die for!
Annie continued to signal fairly well today but seemed fussy at times. I had a very hard time deciphering her signals vs. her cries. So I guess with each passing day there is always a chance to do better tomorrow.
Today I learned: Even a good day can have some improvements!
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $.80
Money saved to date = $111.40
Annie continued to signal fairly well today but seemed fussy at times. I had a very hard time deciphering her signals vs. her cries. So I guess with each passing day there is always a chance to do better tomorrow.
Today I learned: Even a good day can have some improvements!
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $.80
Money saved to date = $111.40
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Day 91
What a great day of EC! Perhaps it's the wonderful weather that is helping Annie to be so attentive! She continues to put me in awe each day. Today she was very vocal with her signals and it was awesome! I couldn't believe how much she has grown in the 90 days we've been practicing EC. Before, Annie didn't know what a potty was... now she asks to use it. Hopefully this continues!
Today I learned: EC is growing on me... it's hard not to tell everyone I know about it.
Diapers saved today =6
Money saved today = $1.20
Money saved to date = $110.60
Today I learned: EC is growing on me... it's hard not to tell everyone I know about it.
Diapers saved today =6
Money saved today = $1.20
Money saved to date = $110.60
Monday, March 29, 2010
Day 90
Trying to get back in the swing of things. But as I was doing so, I realized that I never wrote about how great Annie did last week while we all had the flu. It amazed me for two WHOLE DAYS!! Annie would whine/fuss even more so than she usually does. She had diarrhea and did not want that sitting in her pants for even a second. It was such a blessing. If not for EC Joe would have been changing some pretty nasty, smelly diapers. YEAH for EC!!
Today I learned:It's hard to get back to a regular schedule.
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $109.40
Today I learned:It's hard to get back to a regular schedule.
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $109.40
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Day 89
Home sweet Home. We are back safely from a GREAT trip!!! Annie's first vacation and she loved it. She's told me that she can't wait to go back and play with her cousins again and again. Still feeling a little under the weather at our house. Will write more later this week.
Today I learned:6 hours is a long time when you can't stop for EC.
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $108.60
Today I learned:6 hours is a long time when you can't stop for EC.
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $108.60
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Day 88
On vacation in rainy Omaha visiting family. Annie has been doing okay with EC while out of her normal element. She isn't signaling as much as she used to, but she's getting it down. She tried to teach her cousin how to use the potty and it was successful. Naomi peed in the potty... and got a treat! It was so fun!!! Funny how little things make our weekend!
Headed home tomorrow... the fun must come to an end.
Today I learned: Potty training is exciting no matter what the age! YEAH NAOMI!
Diapers saved today =6
Money saved today = $1.20
Money saved to date = $108.00
Headed home tomorrow... the fun must come to an end.
Today I learned: Potty training is exciting no matter what the age! YEAH NAOMI!
Diapers saved today =6
Money saved today = $1.20
Money saved to date = $108.00
Friday, March 26, 2010
Day 87
First road trip experience today. Annie even used a rest stop. EW! But when you gotta go you gotta go! I'll explain more later... for now we are still fighting the flu. Hoping to feel 100% better very soon! Stay tuned for fun stories from the rest stop and road trip...
Today I learned: How amazing it is to use EC when using a rest stop... no using that disgusting baby changer that NEVER gets clean!!!
Diapers saved today =6
Money saved today = $1.20
Money saved to date = $106.80
Today I learned: How amazing it is to use EC when using a rest stop... no using that disgusting baby changer that NEVER gets clean!!!
Diapers saved today =6
Money saved today = $1.20
Money saved to date = $106.80
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Day 86
Still fighting the flu bug around here... hoping to keep it all to ourselves.
Today I learned: Annie still tries to smile even with the flu!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $.60
Money saved to date = $105.60
Today I learned: Annie still tries to smile even with the flu!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $.60
Money saved to date = $105.60
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Day 85
Another day of the flu... Joe's been doing a great job trying to catch Annie's signals. Me, not so much... hopefully tomorrow will be better. Stay tuned
Today I learned: Annie still is trying so hard when she doesn't feel good.
Diapers saved today =6
Money saved today = $1.20
Money saved to date = $105.00
Today I learned: Annie still is trying so hard when she doesn't feel good.
Diapers saved today =6
Money saved today = $1.20
Money saved to date = $105.00
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Day 84
Today started out great... then Annie and I came down with the flu. Better luck tomorrow!
Today I learned: It's hard to practice EC when you have no energy
Diapers saved today =7
Money saved today = $1.40
Money saved to date = $103.80
Today I learned: It's hard to practice EC when you have no energy
Diapers saved today =7
Money saved today = $1.40
Money saved to date = $103.80
Monday, March 22, 2010
Day 83
I've often wanted the life of a baby... no cares in the world. However, since I became a mom I realized that Annie has a rough job. She's expected to be happy most of the time which she usually does a pretty good job of. To top that off, when she does cry or act crabby Joe and I look for ways to ensure she quickly switches back to her happy mood. No crying in our house!
Of course there's the constant playing, which at first I thought would be fun. When I really stopped to think about this one it must be overwhelming.. all these toys in your face and the expectation you know what to do with all of them. Then, if Annie doesn't know what to do with all her toys we try and teach her so she can learn quickly. I'm sure there are days she just wants to lay back and relax.
A post can't be complete without some EC talk...most babies are able to continue their daily ventures and go in their diapers. Not our little one. She has to stop what she's doing and try and use the potty. So.. all in all maybe she needs a break from being a baby. But then again that will come soon enough.
Speaking of taking her to the bathroom....
Today I learned: Maybe being a baby isn't all it appears to be...
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $.80
Money saved to date = $102.40
Of course there's the constant playing, which at first I thought would be fun. When I really stopped to think about this one it must be overwhelming.. all these toys in your face and the expectation you know what to do with all of them. Then, if Annie doesn't know what to do with all her toys we try and teach her so she can learn quickly. I'm sure there are days she just wants to lay back and relax.
A post can't be complete without some EC talk...most babies are able to continue their daily ventures and go in their diapers. Not our little one. She has to stop what she's doing and try and use the potty. So.. all in all maybe she needs a break from being a baby. But then again that will come soon enough.
Speaking of taking her to the bathroom....
Today I learned: Maybe being a baby isn't all it appears to be...
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $.80
Money saved to date = $102.40
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Day 82
Sunday fun day.... Annie had another full day but seemed to do better with EC. I wonder sometimes if she senses when I start to get frustrated with this whole EC thing and then she steps it up a notch or two? I wonder if she's that smart... then again she is my child! With all the excitement of the weekend she deserves a full night of sleep. Hopefully she'll get that and we'll be on our way to start another great week. Trying to be diaper free for a while this week... this is bound to get interesting!!! Oh... and I'm still on the look out for great cloth diapers. Anyone have any ideas/suggestions????
Today I learned: Even a fun filled day can have successful EC outcome!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $101.60
Today I learned: Even a fun filled day can have successful EC outcome!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $101.60
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Day 81
It hit me this evening as I was thinking back on the long day of EC that Annie doesn't get a weekend from her hard work. For those of you working 'normal' jobs you get to sleep in, rest and pretty much do whatever your heart desires over the much needed and deserved weekend. Not Annie, she is still expected to keep up with her signals as she continues EC. She does pretty good at it but today I wished she could just take a break. Perhaps that's because I wanted to take a break, but a break means WAY more work come Monday. So I guess that would backfire on me! For now I'm trying my best to listen to her cues and take her to her bathroom as quickly as possible.. but it's tough.
So...hopefully I get more motivated tomorrow. We'll find out!
Today I learned: It's hard to stay motivated on a Saturday!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $.60
Money saved to date = $100.60
So...hopefully I get more motivated tomorrow. We'll find out!
Today I learned: It's hard to stay motivated on a Saturday!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $.60
Money saved to date = $100.60
Friday, March 19, 2010
Day 80
A celebration should be underway today!!! Not only is it FRIDAY but we have hit our $100.00 mark! YEAH!! It's amazing what a little (okay a lot) of work can get you in the end...or in our case the middle. Today was one of the most successful days we've had with EC. During the day Annie did WONDERFUL but at night when she started to get tired she had some slips. Maybe I just didn't listen as well to her cues because I was tired. We'll see how the weekend goes... stay tuned!
Today I learned: 80 days of EC earned us $100.00!!!!
Diapers saved today =7
Money saved today = $1.40
Money saved to date = $100.00
Today I learned: 80 days of EC earned us $100.00!!!!
Diapers saved today =7
Money saved today = $1.40
Money saved to date = $100.00
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Day 79
Today was a much needed improvement from yesterday! Annie greeted the day with dual action in the potty! YIPPEE!!!! I knew it HAD to be a step up from her slow day on Wednesday! Annie started this new spitting thing and boy is it funny... although now she's not cuing me as often to go to the bathroom. Maybe when she spits she's telling me that she might as well be taken to the potty but she'd rather keep playing? Perhaps it's her form of 'back talk' but at such a young age? I sure don't know but it makes me laugh so hard!!!
Oh and as an extra special treat Annie slept through the night last night! I'm trying not to get too excited but it was amazing to sleep for 7 hours straight!!!
She's so happy to be sleeping in her bouncy and actually sleeping... of course she's happy to be peeing in her potty too.... SO CUTE!

Today I learned: You need to have a 'not so good' day to make normal days GREAT!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $98.60
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Day 78
Apparently St. Patty's day is a day of rest for Annie. She's Irish (part Irish anyway) so I guess she's entitled to a day off every once in a while. Although I wouldn't want to take a day off of using the toilet.. would you?
Better luck for this little Irish girl tomorrow!
Stay tuned!
Today I learned: St. Patrick's Day is a day of rest for Annie!
Diapers saved today =1
Money saved today = $0.20
Money saved to date = $97.60
Better luck for this little Irish girl tomorrow!
Stay tuned!
Today I learned: St. Patrick's Day is a day of rest for Annie!
Diapers saved today =1
Money saved today = $0.20
Money saved to date = $97.60
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Day 77
I've noticed when you have children you find out the best and most efficient way of doing things for your family. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, play time, running errands, etc. For instance cooking dinner early or right before it's time to eat... in a crock pot, range or oven. Then there's the cleaning that seems never ending... when is there time to get it all in? Well, if you're Joe, and there's a little rice cereal spilled on the floor while Annie's eating you just wipe it up with your socks... the reason "we wash our socks more often than our floor." What a perspective!
Of course there is the potty/diaper issue as well. Again, why not just take her to the bathroom and save us all a step in the end? That's how I look at it! It's a good thing we don't let her go on the floor... Joe's socks may need more frequent washing after cleaning up that mess!
Bathroom duty calls...stay tuned!
Today I learned: The best way for one family may not be the best way (or even a good option) for another.
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $97.40
Of course there is the potty/diaper issue as well. Again, why not just take her to the bathroom and save us all a step in the end? That's how I look at it! It's a good thing we don't let her go on the floor... Joe's socks may need more frequent washing after cleaning up that mess!
Bathroom duty calls...stay tuned!
Today I learned: The best way for one family may not be the best way (or even a good option) for another.
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $97.40
Monday, March 15, 2010
Day 76
Maybe it's the whole 'spring ahead' time change that has us all off a little. Annie's 'schedule' is thrown off and she is a little cranky. Yes, Annie does get cranky from time to time but is generally a happy baby. SO... my only guess is that it's the Day light savings time change. Oh and maybe the weather. It's hard to put her to bed when the sun is still shining...
With all these changes EC has been a little more difficult to keep track of. She's no longer following a schedule and seems confused as to what time it really is... then again aren't we all like that until we get used to the change? With that said, we keep putting forth our best effort and try, try again until sometime we get the hang of EC for yet another time. For now... we will try and adjust ourselves to this ever changing world. Send great thoughts our way... STAY TUNED!
Today I learned: You never realized you have a great schedule until there is interference!
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $.80
Money saved to date = $96.40
With all these changes EC has been a little more difficult to keep track of. She's no longer following a schedule and seems confused as to what time it really is... then again aren't we all like that until we get used to the change? With that said, we keep putting forth our best effort and try, try again until sometime we get the hang of EC for yet another time. For now... we will try and adjust ourselves to this ever changing world. Send great thoughts our way... STAY TUNED!
Today I learned: You never realized you have a great schedule until there is interference!
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $.80
Money saved to date = $96.40
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Day 75
Toileting Annie is much like the weather... it gives people something to talk about when conversation may be scarce. I never thought I would be talking so openly about my daughter's poop and pee schedule and 'potty training' her as an infant. Nope, I assumed we would be like all the other new parents: just going with the flow and making sure we did everything EXACTLY by the book. Because after all, that's how you do things for your children... how everyone else does them and how they are supposed to be done...right? Apparently I was mistaken!
To my amazement I sit here typing on this blog and trying to provide many of you with your the next topic of the week. You know... the "can you believe what I saw/read" topic to bring up when you're at a loss for words by the water cooler at work. That is if you have a water cooler at work... but you get the picture!
Toileting Annie brings smiles to people's faces and a chuckle to their mouth... no one can ask us with a serious face "how is potty training your baby going?" It's just plain impossible. On the same token... we are unable to answer any potty related questions with a straight face. Pretty neat how something that seems so menial could become an interesting topic of conversation and a "wow" moment for some.
Speaking of WOW moment... I took Annie to the bathroom at church this morning and like always brought her into a stall. There was someone else in the bathroom too and I know she heard me cuing Annie to pee pee pee pee then heard a little tinkle tinkle. The lady walked out of her stall after Annie had finished and just looked at me and gave a smile/laugh. I wonder what conversation that started this afternoon? I can just hear it now... "you'll never guess what I saw at church... no really.. I'm not kidding!"
Stay tuned... more conversation starters are sure to come!!!
Today I learned: Toileting Annie gives us all something to talk about!
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $.80
Money saved to date = $95.60
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Day 74
A look into Annie's BEAUTIFUL blue eyes!
Have you ever looked at the world through a baby's eyes? I mean really looked from their perspective. If not, you should try it sometime. It's amazing what they can see. While playing with Annie today I began to think about what she sees and what she is unable to see. This brought me to look at the world through her eyes, you know... at her level. First I laid on the floor to see what she sees... not much unless there's a toy or a person in front of her. Of course she rolls from side to side and looks around at the bottom of the furniture... which got me thinking I really should vacuum those dust bunnies sometime before she starts moving. Annie spends a lot of time on her tummy during the day which again, doesn't provide her with much amusement. Although from this position she has better head control and can 'scoot' to where she wants to look. Oh and of course she can reach her toys better and chew on them to her heart's desire! Then there's the exer-saucer, the bouncy, chair and the famous Ergo (baby carrier). From here she can see just about anything that an adult can see... Although we maybe not pick up on the fine details like dirt and dust. (boy wouldn't it be nice to have baby eyes)
Then the AWESOME potty... yup... she sees herself and the holder of her (Joe or I) while sitting to do her business. Depending on the potty she sometimes sees Daddy's cologne, Mommy's hairbrush, or the 'under the sea' soap dispenser. All of these things intrigue her to the point where sometimes she gets distracted away from the goal of the session. I think I shall start drawing pictures on the mirror for her potty time... on second thought maybe that would be a bad example... Let's hope this isn't sign of what's to come!
I guess when I was looking around trying to see things from Annie's point of view I realized that she only sees what we allow her to see. Which is great but a LOT of pressure! But at the end of the day Annie sees the most important things in her life: the people who love her and take care of her... and her toys!
Ahh the life of Annie!
Today I learned: Looking through the world in baby's eyes puts everything in a new perspective!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $94.80
Friday, March 12, 2010
Day 73
This evening, as I tried to convince Annie that rice cereal is the most delicious thing ever made I couldn't help but wonder all the things in life we need convincing to do. In the short months since I became a mom I have had to convince Annie of many things. First to eat from me, want to wear clothes, stop crying, start sleeping, wear a diaper, be held by others besides her dad and myself, and adjust to a new living environment. That was just in the first 24 hours! Now there are daily challenges that present themselves and I'm left wondering what the perfect way to convince her is.
For starters...we try to make her feel as if using the potty is the best thing she'll do all day! We all know it isn't that exciting, but to a baby perhaps it could be. Or at least they are little enough to trick for a while. Eventually when it isn't one of the most exciting moments of her day, she'll be used to using a potty and think nothing of it as she goes along with her business (quite literally).
Starting rice cereal the past few days has been another challenge! Trying to convince her that this weird textured substance is SO delicious that she should eat ALL of her teaspoons worth of it.... yup we give her a WHOLE teaspoon at a time. Doesn't seem like much, but trust me to get the tsp down is a struggle. I do my best to try and put on my "yum" face and convince her that it's the best thing she'll ever eat... she's not buying my tactics.
It's funny to me that here I sit, trying to convince Annie to eat rice cereal and how great it is... when in a few years I'll try to do the same thing when she reaches for yet another cookie. I'll try to convince her how amazing it is to eat oatmeal or the other healthy alternative as opposed to fruit loops or some other delicious sugar filled morning meal!
My question then becomes... do we always need convincing from our parents? Will I always be saying "it's the best" to every new adventure I want her to try? For now... we're blessed... Annie truly thinks her blue potty is... yup you guessed it... the best. Who wouldn't... just look at it's beauty!
Today I learned: I will forever try to convince Annie to try 'amazing' new things!
Diapers saved today =6
Money saved today = $1.20
Money saved to date = $93.80
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Day 72
We are still struggling with the sleep issue. I still can't figure it all out and have no clue why Annie just can't sleep. It seems a little ridiculous that during the day she uses her crib and at night she's fussy and can't stay asleep. Tonight we will try a few different tricks to help her sleep! As far as EC is concerned we aren't worried about keeping up this week. Although even without trying Annie is doing a great job. It still amazes me how she can stay on top of EC while she's tired and cranky...but I guess that's determination. Perhaps this is a sign of her personality to come? Stay tuned!
Today I learned: Annie's more determined than her mom!
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $0.80
Money saved to date = $92.60
Today I learned: Annie's more determined than her mom!
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $0.80
Money saved to date = $92.60
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Day 71
Another day another dollar... quite literally! Still little sleep for us so EC is on hold... Annie's trying her best. As are her parents!
Today I learned: Even when you don't focus on something it can happen!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $91.80
Today I learned: Even when you don't focus on something it can happen!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $91.80
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Day 70
Ten weeks of EC. Can you believe it? Time flies when you're having fun... or in Annie's case peeing in a bucket. When I started all of this nonsense I had the ambition of continuing EC for 365 days but in all honesty never thought it would happen. Never would I have guessed that I would have told our story to strangers... and kept writing even though I don't know how many people actually read my rants. It's amazing to me that I've kept it up this long. As long as I've been consistent I figure what's another 42 weeks? Nothing right? EC just gets easier and easier so that's the good news. We'll see what the next 10 weeks brings us. We're sure to make it to the $100 mark soon too. Oh.. and for those of you that have been asking I promise pictures of the new potty this week once we get more sleep! Stay tuned!
Today I learned: 10 weeks sure flies by!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $90.80
Today I learned: 10 weeks sure flies by!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $90.80
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