Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day 131

Happy Mothers' Day! Growing up I always dreamed of being a mom. I played with dolls probably until it was socially unacceptable for me to play house any longer. I loved holding babies (as I never had younger siblings). Babysitting was always on the top of my list of favorite things to do (not to mention there was usually pretty good money in it). I always loved kids, their infectious smiles and laughs brought a smile to my face time and time again. Even with all the love of children I never thought, in a million years, that I would have a little girl of my own to love and play real 'house.'
Not until I was a mother myself did I realize the immense love that comes on the day you find out a child will enter your life. Immediately you feel a connection, whether with a tiny baby growing inside of you, or with a picture you hold close to your heart of your baby in another country waiting to meet you, it's an indescribable connection.
Today I was looking at Annie and thinking about all the blessings she has provided me. Of course the obvious... I'm working my dream job and living my dream life by having a family. The little things don't seem to matter anymore. Our house is almost NEVER clean or organized. Projects will forever be on the to-do list. Laundry is always piling higher than the week before. Crazy enough, these things don't matter like they used to. Annie smiles each and every morning when I walk into her room, she has plenty of toys to play with and learn, we sing songs all day, there is food on the table each night, and my husband is by my side when I shut my eyes at the end of the day.

Today I learned: Being a MOM is the BEST job in the WHOLE WORLD!!!
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $142.40

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