Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 62

I have officially met others who have heard of EC!!! HOW AMAZING it felt to talk with some women who knew about EC and what it entailed. I finally felt like I wasn't this crazy person making something up. (okay so maybe I'm still a little crazy but at least I felt like I wasn't pulling something out of the sky)
Annie and I signed up for a ECFE class and the topic came up about diapers. Someone in the class uses cloth and as you know we're eager to learn more about cloth diapering. I was asking questions and learning more about how to get started. Of course I want to pick her brain more, but I didn't want her to avoid me the rest of the class so I went easy for now. Anyway... I was explaining how we started doing EC and she'd heard of it!!!! YEAH!!!
This sparked a WHOLE new conversation which had me explaining all about EC and how it has been so successful. It was great to be in a room full of moms who understand and were genuinely interested.
Annie must have heard me bragging about her and humbled herself by having a HUGE blowout... had to get a wardrobe change and everything!!! Poop Happens...

Today I learned: I can learn a lot from other moms and they can encourage me without even knowing it!
Diapers saved today =6
Money saved today = $1.20
Money saved to date = $80.00

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