Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 74

A look into Annie's BEAUTIFUL blue eyes!

Have you ever looked at the world through a baby's eyes? I mean really looked from their perspective. If not, you should try it sometime. It's amazing what they can see. While playing with Annie today I began to think about what she sees and what she is unable to see. This brought me to look at the world through her eyes, you know... at her level. First I laid on the floor to see what she sees... not much unless there's a toy or a person in front of her. Of course she rolls from side to side and looks around at the bottom of the furniture... which got me thinking I really should vacuum those dust bunnies sometime before she starts moving. Annie spends a lot of time on her tummy during the day which again, doesn't provide her with much amusement. Although from this position she has better head control and can 'scoot' to where she wants to look. Oh and of course she can reach her toys better and chew on them to her heart's desire! Then there's the exer-saucer, the bouncy, chair and the famous Ergo (baby carrier). From here she can see just about anything that an adult can see... Although we maybe not pick up on the fine details like dirt and dust. (boy wouldn't it be nice to have baby eyes)
Then the AWESOME potty... yup... she sees herself and the holder of her (Joe or I) while sitting to do her business. Depending on the potty she sometimes sees Daddy's cologne, Mommy's hairbrush, or the 'under the sea' soap dispenser.
All of these things intrigue her to the point where sometimes she gets distracted away from the goal of the session. I think I shall start drawing pictures on the mirror for her potty time... on second thought maybe that would be a bad example... Let's hope this isn't sign of what's to come!
I guess when I was looking around trying to see things from Annie's point of view I realized that she only sees what we allow her to see. Which is great but a LOT of pressure! But at the end of the day Annie sees the most important things in her life: the people who love her and take care of her... and her toys!
Ahh the life of Annie!

Today I learned: Looking through the world in baby's eyes puts everything in a new perspective!
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $94.80

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