Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 102 & Day 103

"I was Celebrating Nana's birthday yesterday until wee hours in the morning... so my mom has to combine two posts because there was just too much partying going on to blog! So here are the next 40 reasons we love EC"
Day 102:
41. Life is more exciting with an ECer in the house
42. What would I talk about on my blog if not for EC
43. Cue words are the BEST
44. Made up songs using the cue words are even BETTER
45. Each day is a new beginning with EC
46. It's funny to me how much Annie understands
47. what fun would it be to be like every other baby?
48. We don't have to decide who has to change the next diaper

49. We get to decide who gets to take Annie to the potty next
50. Anyone can do EC... with a little practice
51. Practice makes perfect...
52. ... or helps us understand why we aren't made to be perfect
It's fun to know that people actually follow my blog
54. I'm learning all these new things on the Internet...
55. Such as blogging

56. My eyes have opened up to the world of 'green'
57. Going green without even trying!
Can anyone say BONDING TIME?!
59. Annie gets to see herself in the mirror MANY times throughout the day
60. Disposable diapers are expensive and we use LESS!

Today I learned: Even with all the commotion Annie still tries so hard to use her potty
Diapers saved today =5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $121.20

Day 103:

61. I love that it's OKAY to write about my child's elimination habits
62. Ever wondered if you could get your kiddo to poop on the potty...
63. YOU CAN!
64. It's fun to see people's jaws drop as we tell them that we are potty training our 6 month old
65. Our 6 month old can use the potty...that's more than some people can say for their 2 year old
66. Annie will forever be leery about cool whip ;)
67. Ahh the stories I can tell to her boyfriends... when she's 30!
68. A new adventure DAILY
69. Even when we have a tough EC day... there's tomorrow
70. Trying to find underwear below size 2T is a scavenger hunt!
71. Finding a diaper that you can take on/off many times and have it still hold was interesting
72. We are trying something that NO one we know has done...WOW
73. Interesting to really look at it from an outside perspective
74. I never will look at Annie again and say "I think she's pooping"
75. I get to take her to the toilet RIGHT away whenever she is about to go to the bathroom!
76. EC NEVER gets boring!
77. Did I mention it's easier to wipe a bottom than change a diaper?
78. Less mess!
79. New things daily!
80. I now know how to tell if a diaper is wet by weight alone!

Today I learned: After a LATE night... Annie still tries her best to signal. That's progress!
Diapers saved today =4
Money saved today = $0.80
Money saved to date = $122.00

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