Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 58

"Just another day in paradise. My mom and dad have been trying so hard to help me learn how to use the potty. Yes, I say learn because she's not training me... I'm learning a life skill (or so I hear). Well, my mom and dad have tried so hard that some days I like to rebel. Like today. I didn't signal loud when I had to poop. It's been a few days since my mommy has changed a poopy diaper so I thought I'd give her some practice. She didn't like this, but she can't get mad at me for missing my 'signal.' AHH the joys of being four months old! LOVING IT!!!
Then when I was playing on the floor I signaled in a happy way... just to confuse her. My mommy says she's on the look out for the perfect cloth diaper so I can be more comfortable. The diapers they've had on me lately feel like sandpaper. That's part of the reason I don't signal very loudly these days! If I pee in these icky diapers then she'll have to go through them faster. Maybe then, she'll get on it and get me a comfy cloth diaper. But we all know how finding a potty went... it may be a LONG time before I get my comfy diaper.
Oh... I almost forgot to tell you. I'm still impressing my mom and dad by going in my NEW potty! I love the blue color... it really makes my eyes POP! And sitting there is so fun when I get to find my feet and grab at them. Sometimes I kick and kick just to see them in the mirror... pretty cool if you ask me! Well, life continues on the usual route...playing, peeing, pooping and trying to learn this task that seems so easy for adults. It's fun to watch my mom and dad learn along with me! AMAZING what I can teach them at four months... hopefully soon they'll get my lesson and buy me some comfy diapers. Thanks so much for keeping up with me on this journey.... and as always... stay tuned."

Today I learned: Stiff diapers can make wearing no fun and hinder EC.
Diapers saved today =3
Money saved today = $0.60
Money saved to date = $74.80

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