Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 21

Have you ever put an outfit on your little baby and thought to yourself... this is getting a little tight, but only where it snaps and it would fit him/her so much longer if only she did not have to wear a diaper. I definitely said this today as I was putting Annie in one of her many 'almost too tight' outfits. Sometimes the bulk of the diaper gets in the way. Her outfits may last a few weeks or even a month longer if only she didn't have the bulk of her diaper.
Now you're probably thinking... isn't this lady an advocate for diaper free babies? Yes, I am... well at least I'm trying to be. BUT I am not quite confident in all my skills yet to keep Annie diaper free at all times. Especially when her vocabulary is changing daily. She is communicating differently each day and it will take a few days for me to get used to it. Also...I don't have underwear for her yet. I am assuming a baby would NOT love to go commando and have those seams in her pants or the cold buttons of her onsie against her sensitive skin! So... another search is underway. Soon...the switch to cloth diaper covers may substitute as her undies. Only time will tell.
I have noticed that with my lack of understanding Annie's signals the past few days her diaper rash has started up again. I'm changing her WAY more than I ever did before EC started, but I guess her bottom is used to being DRY ALL the time. I'm working on it. Tomorrow I am going to try and schedule in some diaper free time to REALLY learn her new signals and get them down.
I'm thinking two thirty minute sessions of diaper free time might be what we need to 'spice' things up a little bit.... stay tuned...

Today I learned: Baby clothes could fit longer if diapers were not needed!
Diapers saved today = 8
Money saved today = $1.60
Money saved to date = $34.80

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