Tuesday, January 12, 2010


We've all said it at one time or another: "She's filling her pants" or "I bet he/she is about to poop" or even "Whoa, that's gonna be a blowout!" Yup, we've all said those phrases and sat watching the little people in our lives fill up their diapers. We've never jumped up to grab those opportunities and hold our little bundle over a toilet. Sometimes we've even let them sit a little longer than needed "just to see if there's more in there." Can you imagine?! I don't want to think about what I used to say to Annie. The fact that I used to sit and laugh about how she was filling her diaper only to change her WHOLE outfit within minutes due to a blowout. I guess she got the real laugh out of it anyway!
This is the reason EC is so effective and works so well...infants communicate. If you've ever said the above phrases you know how to communicate with a baby. Yes you'll say it's obvious to know when they are grunting and then they stink. True, but don't you think grunting could be their way of communicating? I never really thought about all this until recently. Each time I look at Annie and think "you're about to go to the bathroom" I take her to the potty and she is successful. The other day I was thinking at how sad it would be if I just sat there and watched her go only to get up a few minutes later and change her. What a waste of my time!!!
I am finally noticing Annie's signals and having major success!! This morning, after a rough night, Annie was bone dry (6 hours since her last change). Usually I'd be concerned that my baby wasn't okay or that she was dehydrated, but I took her to the potty and she peed and pooped right on cue. Truly wonderful! Then a little while later after a good breakfast, same thing!
It wasn't until this afternoon after her own little vacation while I was away at work I realized how much she trusted me. She was dry after nearly 5 hours of nap time and I took her right to her potty. "Pee pee...poo poo..." and she went dawning a HUGE smile on that adorable face of hers!
This evening has been even more impressive with using the same (DRY) diaper since 1:00 this afternoon. After her bath we decided to change it because who wants to put on dirty underwear? NOT ME!

Just think of the success we will have with that new potty of hers! Time to pick out the perfect color ... any suggestions?

Today I learned: We all know how to communicate with infants, we just need to act on it!
Diapers saved today = 9
Money saved today = $1.80
Money saved to date = $24.20

1 comment:

  1. I know a lot of folks will say pink or blue, but I was thinking black with racing stripes or flames!!!

