Wednesday, January 6, 2010


ONE WEEK DOWN!!!! (51 to go)

To celebrate Annie's one week of EC'ing, we took a trip to the mall to do some Christmas returns. Amazingly she spent most of the time sleeping but woke up in the middle of JCPenny's. I thought she may need to go to the bathroom, so I took her. Yes, her first public bathroom experience barely three months old. Thankfully I had planned ahead and packed her "potty" (with lid) in the stroller. So here I am in the handicap stall (so we can fit both of us and the stroller) saying "pee pee pee pee pee." I can only imagine what the other women in the restroom thought when they heard me: "What is that lady doing? Does she really need to encourage herself to go... I sure hope she's not making her baby go to the bathroom..what is going on?" Well, to make them even more confused I praised Annie once she peed in the potty. Annie is a trooper, most grown ups don't even like to use public facilities...but she went right on cue!

By the way, have you ever looked for underwear for a baby? Well I'm assuming they're pretty hard to come by. I was at Babies R Us today and searched for some baby underwear (for Annie to have in the months to come) but the SMALLEST size was 2T (or 20-28 pounds). Unless she starts lifting some serious weights and eating all of our food each day she won't reach that weight for a while. Now another product to search for online!

The search continues for the perfect infant potty as I find the ultimate best price. Ironically I found one on for $10, but it was more to ship the potty than it was for the potty. SO... I'm back to ground zero searching for something that is less than $15 with shipping.

I almost forgot, Annie is making progress in the poop world. She pooped three times in the potty today! AMAZING!!!! Maybe if I add a page to her "Where's the Poop" book with a baby sans diaper and a cool whip container showing the poop she'll really get it!

Today I learned: The diaper industry must make deals with Hanes to only make size 2T and up!
Diapers saved today = 9
Money saved today = $1.80
Money saved to date = $14.80

1 comment:

  1. Jinger: Where ever did you hear about this? I'm amazed. By the way...Ikea has potties that are decent and CHEAP! ... and you can buy them at the store in Bloomington. No shipping required.
