Saturday, January 2, 2010


Another day another challenge.

Annie is sick today, running a low grade fever and very fussy. It's hard to determine 'I don't feel good' fusses from the 'I have to go to the bathroom' fusses. Needless to say, we had a lot of misses today and did not credit Annie enough for her bathroom fusses.

With all that said, we still were impressed when Annie woke up from both her long naps DRY. Yes, I said DRY. Not a drop in her diaper and we have those diapers that change colors even when there is the tiniest bit of moisture on them. Upon seeing that she was completely dry, we took her to the potty and used the cue word. She peed a lot! It was as if she was holding it, which every medical professional will tell us is impossible (I'll dive into those logistics another day). BUT we believe she is truly understanding this potty learning process.
It's now 7pm and she has peed in the bucket 7 times. I guess that's pretty good for a little girl who is fighting a bug.
Off to play while the Tylenol is working... maybe we'll get some more potty time in.
Stay tuned...

Today I learned: Each time Annie fusses there is a reason: if only we could decode that reason!
Diapers saved today = 7
Money saved today = $1.40
Money saved to date = $7.40

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