Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 27

Someone once said "There is no such thing as bad weather... just bad clothing." This statement is VERY TRUE, however, when you are practicing EC there is bad weather and bad clothing. Especially living in the Midwest! Annie needs to be dressed warm, as do all babies and children, during the winter months. When it comes to EC her warm clothing is VERY difficult to get on/off. Each day when she gets ready in the morning I pick out something that will be nice and warm for her. By the third or fourth time taking her pants on and off or buttoning and unbuttoning her outfit I give up. I leave her pants off of her or leave her sleeper unbuttoned. COLD... I know, but how else can we effectively get to the toilet in time?
When Annie signals her need to go there is no time to waste... she needs to go NOW. Sometimes by the time we un-snap her onsie or even pull down her pants the window has passed and it is too late. I always applaud myself for hearing her signal, but then again am bummed at myself because of her layers and the time I took getting everything off.
We've tried gowns for an afternoon at home. They work GREAT! But not very practical when you're living in a place where the average temperature is 20 degrees. BRRRRRRR So that leaves us very few options. I will continue to try different items of clothing. For now Annie will remain half naked while at home! I guess we could say "When bad weather hits the Midwest... so does the bad clothing."

Today I learned: Clothing inhibits our daily activities.
Diapers saved today = 5
Money saved today = $1.00
Money saved to date = $42.00

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