Thursday, January 7, 2010


A snowy day here in MN, seems like everyone is a bit "under the weather" at our house. Annie is fighting a cold and very stuffy. She has been extremely fussy all day which makes EC very difficult for me. This morning she managed to pee three times, but that's about all she could take before crying and fussing.
Finally, I laid her down for a nap and she slept for FOUR WHOLE HOURS(THANK YOU GOD)! Around 6 I decided she needed to get up so I could sleep tonight. I thought for sure she would have a wet diaper as today was not going very smoothly. To my amazement she was bone dry. A potty trip was needed and she peed and pooped right on cue. A little while later another fuss and she went again, and then a third time. Annie is even opening up to EC with her Daddy tonight, maybe she should nap more often. I guess she was out to prove me wrong today and what kid doesn't want to do that at one point or another in his/her lifetime!

One thing I realized today is pottying Annie is helpful in knowing if she is eating enough. The color of urine can tell so much and actually seeing it un-masked helps me to know if she should be eating more. And yes, today she should be. So that makes another challenge...try to get her to eat some more. Each day brings new awareness to us and new challenges to our home. Eventually we'll be brave and leave her totally diaper free for more than 10 minutes at a time. Perhaps that will be next weeks task... stay tuned.

Today I learned: Toileting Annie has many benefits that are yet to be discovered.
Diapers saved today = 7
Money saved today = $1.40
Money saved to date = $16.20

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